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Understanding Protracted Resource-Based Conflicts In The Horn Of Africa: The Case Of North Wollo Amhara And Zone 4 Of Afar In Ethiopia

декабря, 2022
United States of America

Prolonged communal resource conflicts have undermined development and exacerbated poverty in North Wollo Amhara and neighboring Afar communities in Ethiopia for over two decades. Finding a permanent solution appears to elude all stakeholders mainly because of the inadequate understand of the underlying and proximate causes of these communal resource conflicts. To unpack the causes, the study employed in-depth interviews with three focus groups, 43 key informants and randomly selected 354 household heads.

The Practices, Effectiveness And Challenges Of Communal Resource Conflict Management Along North Wollo Amhara And Neighboring Afar In Ethiopia

декабря, 2022
United States of America

 The area along North Wollo Amhara and neighbouring Afare regional states have been exposed to small scale prolonged violent communal resource conflicts. Many factors drive and triggers for these violent conflicts which includes institutional, political, economic, and environmental change. Therefore, the objective of the research is to explore the practices, effectiveness and challenges of the communal resource conflict resolution and management institutions through case study research design.  To answer these objectives, we used survey, interview, and Focus group discussion.

Guidance note for peace-informed programming at the Green Climate Fund: Infrastructure and built environment.

декабря, 2022

Infrastructure projects in fragile and conflict affected settings are susceptible to numerous operational challenges, which might inadvertently escalate existing socio-economic and political tensions. Infrastructure, being intricately connected to the daily lives and societal needs of communities, often becomes a flashpoint in conflicts. Essential systems like water, energy, and transportation are not just physical assets; they represent broader social, economic, and political structures that can be either symbols of progress or points of contention.

Scoping report for a farmer-herder conflict case study in Sudan

декабря, 2022

This scoping report combines findings from a scoping visit to the case study location with a review of the literature that describes salient features of the political economy in Sudan. The purpose of this report is to document findings as a contribution to and as preparation for fieldwork on farmer-herder conflicts. The report is produced by the CGIAR Research Initiative on Fragility, Conflict and Migration and the project Supporting Pastoralism and Agriculture in Recurrent and Protracted Crises (SPARC).

A framework to monitor crop-specific drought and flood impacts using remote sensing datasets

декабря, 2022

Weather triggered hazards such as drought and flooding have negative impacts on society and agriculture. Drought can lead to reduced access to drinking water, lower agricultural productivity, and conflicts over water resources. Flooding causes loss of agricultural production, damages infrastructure, and leads to socio-economic losses. The report aims to develop a guiding framework to create a Combined Drought and Flood Index (CDFI) for monitoring crop-specific agricultural drought and flood conditions.

Multistakeholder platforms for integrated landscape governance: The case of Kalomo District, Zambia

декабря, 2022

Multistakeholder platforms (MSPs) that bring together a range of actors to collaboratively address land and natural resource governance issues are increasingly common in sub-Saharan Africa. However, the extent to which such platforms effectively harmonise complex social-ecological challenges and deliver improved outcomes is poorly understood. This study examines how MSPs across different scales of governance in Zambia have influenced and facilitated more integrated landscape governance.

AICCRA validation report: Piloting and validating the Climate Security Sensitivity Scoring Tool (CSST): Evidence from the field on the climate security sensitivity of the climate smart village approach in Cinzana, Mali.

декабря, 2022

A one-day workshop in Ségou, Mali was organized to test the results of the Climate Security Sensitivity Tool (CSST) and reflect on the reliability of its recommendations. This document reports on the results of the CSST piloted on the Climate Smart Village (CSV) approach implemented in Cinzana and on the outcomes of the workshop that reflected upon these results and recommendations.

Urban agriculture during economic crisis: lessons from Cuba, Sri Lanka and Ukraine

декабря, 2022

Economic crises take different forms and occur for various reasons, such as political conflicts and pandemics. What all these crises have in common is that they cause disruption to rural-urban food supply chains, resulting in food shortages for the urban poor, with the most direct impact being an increase in food prices. It is within this challenging context that we present empirical examples of the role of urban agriculture.

Regenerating Rangelands

декабря, 2022

Participatory rangeland management (PRM) is a process building the capacities of local communities to better manage their lands, reduce natural resource conflicts, and build good governance. This film shown through the eyes of two local protagonists – one in Kenya and Tanzania – describes the PRM approach and how their communities are benefiting from it. A beautiful film highlighting some of the challenges that pastoralists face as well as solutions to overcome them.