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In course of the research there was studied the content of space factors and indicators of production properties of land, which influenced energy expenses in farming. Their short analysis was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. It was suggested to consider energy expenses as a combination of techno-energy expenses and bio-energy expenses. Correlation analysis of the relation between space factors and energy expenses was conducted. The influence of space factors and production qualities of land on energy expenses in farming was estimated. Equations for the calculation of energy expenses while conducting intra-field mechanized works during crops cultivation were suggested. The closest correlation communication with techno-energy expenses have run length (R=0.92) and specific resistance of soils (R = 0.89). It was established, that with increase in run length of a working site from 100 to 1200 m decreased in power inputs of fuel with 879 to 706 mJ/ha was observed, and with increase in specific resistance of soil from 50 to 70 kilopaskal expenses of fuel energy increased from 743 to 1021 mJ/ha. In accordance with change of power inputs of fuel the power expenses of agricultural units also would change.