Resource information
We developed a set of generalized value categories and average relative marginal values using resource and valuation information collected at seven federal land management planning units in the USA. The categories and average values are intended to be used for rapid strategic wildland fire program planning or as foundation values for a more extended planning effort. To divide the original information into logical and statistically valid value categories, we used a k-means cluster analysis combined with expert knowledge of how each resource type is managed with respect to fire. After we established the value categories, we performed a regression tree analysis to estimate an average relative marginal value for each category under different combinations of ecosystem condition and fireline intensity. Average values for each category are as expected and the regression tree fits are excellent with R ² values ranging from .895 to .948. The results of this study can be used to identify general resource types for planning or other valuation analyses and they provide a low cost way to transfer nonmarket value information between similar planning sites.