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Showing items 1990 through 1998 of 73627.La présente loi s’applique à la copropriété immobilière, divise et indivise et fixe les modalités d'établissement et de gestion des copropriétés.
Mediante la presente Ley se aprueba el Convenio Marco suscripto entre la Provincia de la Pampa y la Secretaría de Obras Públicas de la Nación, el cual establece las condiciones que regirán la ejecución de las obras hídricas del “Plan Federal de Control de Inundaciones” en el ámbito del territorio
This Act regulates the sale and acquisition of real property through concessions, and in particular land used for agricultural purposes, so as to safeguard effective use of such property, to protect the production capacity, and to regulate ownership for the benefit of public good.
La presente Ley modifica la Ley Nº 388 de 1997, en lo relacionado con las normas urbanísticas que regulan el uso, la ocupación y el aprovechamiento del suelo y definen la naturaleza y las consecuencias de las actuaciones urbanísticas indispensables para la administración de estos procesos, y la v
The present Act establishes an appointed body, the Manitoba Heritage Council. The Council advises and makes recommendation to the Minister of Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Tourism on provincial commemoration and legal protection of sites and structures.
In compliance with the principles and rules laid down in Directive 96/61/EC, this Regional Act makes provision on integrated pollution prevention and control, with a view to securing a high level of protection of human health and the environment.
In implementation of articles 17, 19 and 21 of Legislative Decree No. 22 of 1997, the present Regional Act lays down rules governing the environmental restoration of areas which have been polluted by waste. Furthermore, it makes provision on the elaboration of the Land Reclamation Plan (art. 3).
The objectives of this Act are to establish a framework for environmental protection and the integrated management of natural resources on a sustainable basis; to transform the Swaziland Environment Authority into a body corporate, to establish the Swaziland Environment Fund; and to provide for v
This Act concerns the management of land and the planning of land uses in Northwest Territories.
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