To reduce hunger and poverty, and improve human nutrition in the tropics through research aimed at increasing the eco-efficiency of agriculture.
CIAT’s staff includes about 200 scientists. Supported by a wide array of donors, the Center collaborates with hundreds of partners to conduct high-quality research and translate the results into development impact. A Board of Trustees provides oversight of CIAT’s research and financial management.
- Shared organizational ethic
- We respect each other, our partners, and the people who benefit from our work. We act with honesty, integrity, transparency, and environmental responsibility in all of our joint endeavors.
- Learning through partnerships
- We work efficiently and pragmatically together and with partners. Considering our diversity to be a key asset, we adapt readily to change and strive to improve our performance through continuous learning.
- Innovation for impact
- We develop innovative solutions to important challenges in tropical agriculture, resulting in major benefits for the people who support, participate in, and profit from our work.
Displaying 701 - 705 of 958Caracterisation des savanes d`une region des Llanos Orientaux de Colombie : Memoire de fin d`etudes, Cali, Colombie du 26 juin 1994 au 7 novembre 1994
Estern Colombia, the Llanos, is constituted of broad grass formations. These big expanses of savannahs present a huge potential for extensive bovine breeding. Unfortunately, these natural pastures have a low productivity and a feeble quality, due to low fertility soils with a deficiency in phosphorus and a hgih acidity. In regard to the importance of the breeding for the region, it`s essential to know the savannahs `characteristics in order to ameliorate the exploitation which is done of them.