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Community Organizations Open Development Cambodia
Open Development Cambodia
Open Development Cambodia
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Open Development Cambodia (ODC) is an ‘open data’ website, the first of its kind in Southeast Asia. The open data movement is based on the simple premise that data collected for public interest should be publicly available without restrictions. Information or data in the public domain should be freely available to everyone to use and republish as they wish. Open Development Cambodia does not promote any particular perspective, agenda or bias other than to provide objective information about Cambodia and its development.



Displaying 506 - 510 of 876

Cutting 11,494.55 hectares in Trapaeng Chou and Ta Sal communes of Oaral district in Kampong Speu province

ноября, 2012

Cutting 11,494.55 hectares in Trapaeng Chou and Ta Sal communes of Oaral district in Kampong Speu province: (1) 10,819.48 hectares cutting from Oaral Wildlife Sanctuary of Royal Decreee dated 01 November 1993, (2) 565.96 hectares from HLH company, (3) 37.59 hectares from Great Field company, (4) 66.56 hectares from Future Environment, and (5) 4.96 hectares from Yee Jia company, for reclassifying 6,101.82 hectares as state private land for granting donation to 2,699 families who have actual occupation and cultiation, and for reserving 5,392.73 hectares as state public land.

Sub-decree No. 216 on Cutting and Reclassifying 1,258 hectares of ELCs and Wildlife Sanctuary in Kampong Thom province

ноября, 2012

Cutting a total land of 1,258 ha in Sreung village of Sreung commune in Prasat Sambo district, and Kroyar Cheung and Kroyar Thbong villages of Kroyar commune in Prasat Balang district of Kampong Thom province: 558 ha from ELC of Gold Foison company, 252 ha from ELC of Mekong company, and 448 ha from Beoung Per Wildlife Sanctuary; Reclassifying all the land as state private land for granting donation of owernship to 417 families; and Granting ownership to 616 private land parcels.

Sub-decree No. 209 on Cutting and Reclassifying 5,851.74 hectares of Forest Cover and ELCs in Preah Vihear province

ноября, 2012

Cutting 5,851.74 ha in Chomkar Sromov village of Pa-harl commune in Preah Vihear city, O Talok village of Romtom commune in Roveang district, and Morech and Kdark villages of Sroyang commune in Kulen district of Preah Vihear province: 2,479.88 ha from 2002 Forest Cover, and 3,371.86 ha from ELCs of Kim Chea Toun Group Co., Ltd, China Great Cause (Cambodia) Investment, Green Choice (Cambodia), and Seila Damex; Reclassifying 5,323.28 ha as state private land for donating to 1,198 families; and Reserving 528.46 ha for physical infrastructure development.

Sub-decree on land conversion of 4,674 hectares in Veal Veng district Pursat province

ноября, 2012

Located in Chay Lork village, O'som commune, Veal Veng distric, Pursat province, land size of 4,674 hectares was converted into state private property used for the investment of economic land concessions in Stung Atay hydropower project. Annex of the map on geographic locations and coordination system No.0456 on 06 March 2012 of Pursat Provincial Hall are attached with this sub-decree.

Sub-decree No. 198 on Cutting, Reclassifying and Reserving 1,136.49 hectares of ELC in Preah Sihanouk Province.

ноября, 2012

Cutting 1136.49 hectares in Svay village, Chheungkou commune in Prey Nup district of Preah Sihanouk province from ELC of Mong Reththy ; Reclassifying unspecified size of land as state private land for donating to 401 families ; and Reserving unspecified size of land for physical infrastructure development.