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Community Organizations Government of the Bahamas
Government of the Bahamas
Government of the Bahamas

Lucayan Indians inhabited the islands when Christopher COLUMBUS first set foot in the New World on San Salvador in 1492. British settlement of the islands began in 1647; the islands became a colony in 1783. Since attaining independence from the UK in 1973, The Bahamas has prospered through tourism, international banking, and investment management. Because of its location, the country is a major transshipment point for illegal drugs, particularly shipments to the US and Europe, and its territory is used for smuggling illegal migrants into the US.

The Bahamas is a parliamentary democracy under a constitutional monarchy.

Source: CIA World Factbook



Displaying 76 - 80 of 86

Land Surveyors Act (Cap. 251).


This Act makes provision for the registration and the licensing of land surveyors and the control of their practice and establishes for these purposes the Land Surveyor’s Board and the Bahamas Association of Land Surveyors and creates the office of the Surveyor-General.The Surveyor-General shall direct and control all surveys carried out for public purposes and carry out control on all other land surveys. The Board shall advise the Minister on matters regarding land surveys, maintain the Register of Land Surveyors and license land surveyors.

Deserted Tenements Act.


The Act makes provisions in respect of powers and remedies given to lessors and landlords in case of any tenant deserting the demised premises, and leaving the same uncultivated or unoccupied, so as no sufficient distress can be had to countervail the arrears of rent. These powers and remedies are applicable in the case of tenants holding any lands, tenements, or hereditaments at a rack rent.

Law of Property Act (Cap. 170).


This Act makes provision for selected matters in relation with property and in particular immovable property.The Act provides rules relative to licensed activities in respect of leases and other effects of legal deeds or proceedings on lease, effects of release from a rentcharge or judgements of parts of hereditaments charged therewith on unreleased parts, executions of deeds, illegal practices with deeds, duties of trustees and executors in respect of existing leases and other matters regarding land under inheritance or intestate.

Ministry of Agriculture (Incorporation) Act, 1993 (Cap. 241).


This Act prescribes that the Ministry of Agriculture shall be considered to act as a corporation in dealings and legal proceedings regarding agricultural land. Sale and long-term lease of agricultural land are excluded from provisions of this Act. The Act also requires the Minister to report to parliament on dealings involving agricultural land.

Acquisition of Land Act (Cap. 252).


This Act sets out criteria, conditions and procedures for compulsory acquisition of land by the Government and regulates related matters such as compensation, appeal from a magistrate’s award on compulsory purchase and effects of the acquisition on existing leaseholds and land other than the land under compulsory acquisition.The procedures of acquisition foresee, among other things, a notification by the Minister in the Gazette, a preliminary investigation by persons authorized by the Minister, a declaration that land is required for public purposes, the possibility of appeal with the Supre