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Community Organizations African Journal on Land Policy and Geospatial Sciences
African Journal on Land Policy and Geospatial Sciences
African Journal on Land Policy and Geospatial Sciences


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African Journal on Land Policy and Geospatial Sciences is a journal specialized in publishing research activities carried out in the field of geo-spatial sciences and land governance. It aims to encourage innovation, promote the exchange of knowledge and scientific outcomes related to its themes. The journal's target community is made-up of researchers, professors and professionals working in the newspaper field. The journal also aims to promote scientific articles and productions at the African, regional and global levels. The institutions as well as the international universities will enrich by their contribution the scientific level of the journal. The journal can, among other things, deal with professional themes and good practices in the field of land governance.



Displaying 386 - 390 of 433

Site Evaluation of Eco-towns using GIS and Analytical Hierarchy Process: Case of Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area

Peer-reviewed publication

Uganda’s total population is projected to increase to 61 million by 2040 in the rations of 37million (60%) to 24million (40%) in the Urban to rural areas respectively. Due to population expansion, Kampala as any other urban area is facing the problems of unplanned rapid growth such as: congestion, unplanned slums amongst others. The Kampala Physical Development Plan pointed out the need to develop new satellite eco-towns in the Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area of Ssisa and Mpatta to contain population explosion and reduce on the problems being experienced in the city.

Dynamiques spatio-temporelles des villes secondaires au senegal : les cas de Médina Gounass et de Diaobé en Haute Casamance de 1965 à 2018

Peer-reviewed publication

L’urbanisation des campagnes africaines pose le problème de l’avenir des paysages agraires situés à la périphérie des villes. Au Sénégal comme dans la plupart des villes ouest-africaines, ces espaces connaissent une recomposition spatiale liée à l’extension urbaine. Cette étude analyse les dynamiques spatio-temporelles de 1965 à 2018 dans des villes secondaires du Sénégal, mais assez dynamiques : Médina Gounass et Diaobé situées au sud du Sénégal.

Nexus approach in urban planning. Case study Mauritius

Peer-reviewed publication

With growing urbanisation trends, cities are facing numerous challenges and are the most vulnerable to climate change. In order to promote sustainable cities and communities it is important to adopt a holistic and integrated approach. The Urban Nexus, which is a relatively recent concept, is an approach to sustainability that seeks to integrate sectors and silos in the design and development process. This paper will look at cities which have already adopted this approach and show the benefits of adopting such an approach.

Informality in Urban Areas, a Case of Land Use Transformation in Mlalakuwa Settlement, Dar es Salaam

Peer-reviewed publication

Land use development and transformation in informal settlements have been taking place because informal settlements have been alternative way of providing affordable housing to low income people. Many governments use strict regulations to deny informal settlements from infrastructure services but in Tanzania informal settlements are provided with such services. This paper presents the findings on how land use transformation is taking place and publicly used spaces disappear overtime in the informal settlements, the context behind and their outcomes.

Strengthening Land Tenure in Informal Settings: A Fit-For-Purpose Approach

Peer-reviewed publication

A functioning land administration sector is the foundation for economic growth. Unfortunately, effective land registry and cadastral systems with national coverage exist in only a fraction of the world’s countries. Cadasta Foundation is working to overcome this challenge by developing simple digital tools and technology to help partners efficiently document, analyze, store, and share critical land and resource rights information.