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Community Organizations FAO Legal Office
FAO Legal Office
FAO Legal Office


The FAO Legal Office provides in-house counsel in accordance with the Basic Texts of the Organization, gives legal advisory services to FAO members, assists in the formulation of treaties on food and agriculture, for which the Director-General acts as Depositary, publishes legal studies and maintains a database (FAOLEX) of national legislation and international agreements concerning food and agriculture (including fisheries, forestry and water).



Displaying 7926 - 7930 of 15550

Ley Nº 263 - Código de Tierras Fiscales.

South America

La presente Ley establece el marco normativo para promover el cumplimiento de la función social de la tierra fiscal, mediante su arrendamiento y enajenación en forma progresiva y orgánica a favor de los auténticos trabajadores del campo. El objetivo principal de la Ley es la protección del campesinado y la reactivación de la tierra fiscal. En este contexto se fija el principio en virtud del cual la tierra no debe constituir un bien de renta sino un instrumento de trabajo.

Regional Law No. 344-OZ “On urban land-use planning”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates relations in the sphere of land-use planning. Regional Government shall have the following competence: (a) land-use and territorial planning; (b) validation of land-use planning documentation; (c) issuance of authorization for construction on land parcels not covered by land-use planning documentation. It contains the list of documentation to be inserted in land-use planning projects and schemes. Regional land-use planning concepts shall cover the period of 25 years.

Regional Law No. 38-OZ “On land-use planning of urban and rural areas”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates the issues of land-use planning, including management of parcels of protected areas, recreational areas and areas containing objects of historical and cultural heritage. Regional administration shall implement common policy in the sphere of land-use planning, law enforcement and performance monitoring of land-use planning.

Regional Law No. 29-OZ “On objects of cultural heritage”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates relations in the sphere of conservation, management, promotion and state protection of the objects of historical and cultural heritage. Regional Administration shall carry out the following plenary powers: (a) decision-making on insertion in and exclusion from state register of the objects of cultural heritage; (b) modification of category and classification of the objects of cultural heritage; and (c) validation of the protection areas and boundaries of the areas containing objects of cultural heritage.

Regional Law No. 42-OZ “On indigenous peoples”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes plenary powers of the Regional Administration in the sphere of protection of traditional living environment, way of life, traditional and customary rights and economic activities of indigenous peoples. It classifies indigenous peoples as those counting less than 50 thousand persons considering themselves autonomous ethnic communities and living prevalently in the Far North. It regulates land tenure, management of natural resources and traditional economic activities.