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Community Organizations LA Referencia
LA Referencia
LA Referencia
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Avda. Del Parque, 4680-A, Edificio Europa
Santiago de Chile
Region Metropolitana (RM)
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The Federated Network of Institutional Repositories of Scientific Publications (Red Federada de Repositorios Institucionales de Publicaciones Científicas), or simply LA Referencia, is a Latin American network of open access repositories. Through its services, it supports national Open Access strategies in Latin America through a platform with interoperability standards, sharing and giving visibility to the scientific production generated in institutions of higher education and scientific research.

From the national nodes, scientific articles, doctoral and master's theses are integrated, coming from more than a hundred universities and research institutions from the nine countries that now form LA Referencia. Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico and Peru are active members of the network and Costa Rica was integrated in 2016.

This experience is based on technical and organizational agreements between public science and technology agencies (Ministries and Oncyts ) of the member countries, together with RedCLARA. LA Referencia was born through the Cooperation Agreement, signed in Buenos Aires in 2012, which reflects the political will to offer in open access the scientific production of Latin America as a regional public good with emphasis on the results financed with public funds.



Displaying 61 - 65 of 706

Family productive strategies, perceptions and deforestation in a context of forest transition: the case of Tena in the Ecuadorian Amazon

Journal Articles & Books
января, 2017

This article explains how the family productive strategies of farmer settlers and their perceptions of the forest influence the rate of deforestation. This particular approach, based on the analysis of endogenous processes, seeks to contextualize and understand how farmers operate within a context of «forest transition», as a result of significant economic changes, market expansion and road infrastructuredevelopment.

Territorialidades en transición: pobladores desplazados por la violencia del conflicto armado colombiano y la resignificación de su territorio

Journal Articles & Books
января, 2017

Resumen La violencia armada en Colombia obliga a las personas a abandonar su territorio para salvaguardar la vida. Cuatro estudios de caso con poblaciones desplazadas (mujeres jefas de hogar, afrodescendientes, indígenas, campesinos) fueron emprendidos para aproximarse a la comprensión de dos procesos principales en los que se ven inmersos los migrantes forzados en búsqueda de superar la pérdida de su lugar en el mundo: desterritorialización y reterritorialización.

Climate Projections and Uncertainties over South America from MRI/JMA Global Model Experiments

Journal Articles & Books
января, 2017
South America

This paper analyses the climate change projected for the near and distant future in South America using MRI/JMA (Japanese Meteorological Agency) global model simulations with resolutions of 20 and 60 km. Changes in mean climate, as well as in the annual cycles and interannual variability of temperature and precipitation are discussed. An analysis is also made of the uncertainties of the 60 km resolution model experiments. For the near and distant future, both, the 20 km and 60 km resolution MRI/JMA models project that temperature changes will be positive in all seasons.

Climate changes and solar cycles recorded at the Holocene Paraná Delta, and their impact on human population

Journal Articles & Books
января, 2017

The Paraná delta, growing at a rate of c. 2 km2 yr-1 since 6,000 yrs, is one of the most complete record of late Holocene in southern South America. The evolution of this 17,400 km2 delta enclosed in Plata estuary, can be tracked by a series of 343 successive coastal-ridge showing a c.11 years period, in coincidence with sunspot cycle, also found in some North Hemisphere coastal-ridge successions.

Desarrollo y conflicto: conflictos asociados al desarrollo, turismo e infraestructura, en tres corregimientos de Cartagena de Indias entre 1990-2015

Reports & Research
декабря, 2016

Los corregimientos de La Boquilla, Punta Canoa y Arroyo de Piedra están conformados principalmente por comunidades afrocolombianas organizadas en la actualidad por Consejos Comunitarios rurales de comunidades negras, reconocidas por la alcaldía del distrito de Cartagena de Indias y por el Ministerio del Interior de Colombia.