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Community Organizations Land Journal
Land Journal
Land Journal


Land (ISSN 2073-445X) is an international, scholarly, open access journal of land use and land management published quarterly online by MDPI. 



Displaying 936 - 940 of 2258

Quantifying the Relative Contribution of the Climate Change and Human Activity on Runoff in the Choshui River Alluvial Fan, Taiwan

Peer-reviewed publication
декабря, 2020

Climate factors and human activities are the leading causes of changes in the hydrological cycle. In addition to being an important part of the hydrological cycle, runoff is also an important indicator for assessing the amount of available water. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the reasons that have caused changes in runoff. In this study, the causes of runoff changes in the alluvial fan of the Choshui River from 1980–2018 are explored.

Unlocking the Relationship between Land Finance and Regional Integration

Peer-reviewed publication
декабря, 2020

Exploring the relationship between land finance and regional integration is of great significance for optimizing the land management system and promoting high-quality development. Previous studies focused on the impact of land finance on regional development, and rarely concerned the role of regional integration on land revenue. This study reveals the internal association mechanisms between land finance and regional integration, which might provide an integrated theoretical and empirical support for the coordinated development between urban land market and regional economy.

Optimizing the Production-Living-Ecological Space for Reducing the Ecosystem Services Deficit

Peer-reviewed publication
декабря, 2020

With rapid urbanization and industrialization, China’s metropolises have undergone a huge shift in land use, which has had a profound impact on the ecological environment. Accordingly, the contradictions between regional production, living, and ecological spaces have intensified. The study of the optimization of production-living-ecological space (PLES) is crucial for the sustainable use of land resources and regional socio-economic development.

Land Tenure Disputes and Resolution Mechanisms: Evidence from Peri-Urban and Nearby Rural Kebeles of Debre Markos Town, Ethiopia

Peer-reviewed publication
декабря, 2020

In Ethiopia, like in other developing countries, land disputes are critical problems both in peri-urban and rural areas. Handling such disputes requires scientific and evidence-based interventions. This study analyzes the nature, types, and causes of land tenure disputes and the resolution mechanisms thereof in peri-urban and nearby rural kebeles of Debre Markos town. Interviews for the investigation were conducted with sample landholders and concerned legal experts in Debre Markos town’s peri-urban area and Gozamin Wereda of Amhara National Regional State in Ethiopia.

Modelling the Event-Based Hydrological Response of Mediterranean Forests to Prescribed Fire and Soil Mulching with Fern Using the Curve Number, Horton and USLE-Family (Universal Soil Loss Equation) Models

Peer-reviewed publication
декабря, 2020

The SCS-CN, Horton, and USLE-family models are widely used to predict and control runoff and erosion in forest ecosystems. However, in the literature there is no evidence of their use in Mediterranean forests subjected to prescribed fire and soil mulching. To fill this gap, this study evaluates the prediction capability for runoff and soil loss of the SCS-CN, Horton, MUSLE, and USLE-M models in three forests (pine, chestnut, and oak) in Southern Italy.