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Community Organizations Latvia University of Agriculture
Latvia University of Agriculture
Latvia University of Agriculture
University or Research Institution

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The Latvia University of Agriculture (LLU) Strategic Development Plan 2010-2016, was developed during 2009 and approved by the LLU Senate on June 10, 2009.

In order to perform its functions and implement its goals and objectives, the Latvia University of Agriculture has developed three activity programs:

1. Studies 

2. Science

3. Administrative and financial support for studies and research work

The goal of the Latvia University of Agriculture is to provide the possibility to obtain higher academic and higher professional education in agriculture, veterinary medicine, food technology, engineering, forestry science, social science, information technologies and environment management sectors as well as to develop science and to maintain and develop the Latvian intellectual potential and culture.

The objectives of the LLU:

To ensure the study quality corresponding with the standards of a national university what would allow to educate competitive specialists for the Latvian and international labor markets.

To develop the scientific potential to participate in international research, to integrate the academic education and research what would ensure introduction of innovative, knowledge - based technologies into the Latvian national economy, specially, in the Zemgale region.

To ensure sustainable development for the university as a national education, science and culture institution: 

to strengthen the legal basis;

to improve the organizational structure in accordance 

to the LLU objectives;to develop cooperation with institutions, academic education and science institutions in Latvia and abroad, enterprises and professional organizations and regional institutions of Zemgale;

to manage the LLU material and technical basis effectively.

The LLU mission

To develop the intellectual potential for sustainable future of Latvia and especially rural areas.

The LLU vision

To become a modern, internationally recognized and prestige university, taking part in the common European academic education and science space.




Displaying 56 - 60 of 152

[Plans for territorial planning - a source of information on degraded land and soil]

Conference Papers & Reports
ноября, 2017

The most important international a world-level document defining the policy of protecting land and soil is the UN Convention «On combating desertification/land degradation in countries experiencing drought and/or desertification». Latvia acceded to this Convention in 2002, undertaking to implement it requirements. With the introduction of the Convention, it is necessary to develop a national action program for restriction of land degradation, as well as develop new legislation and a long-term policy.

Social Policy and Empowerment of Women in the Agricultural Sector in Uzbekistan

Conference Papers & Reports
марта, 2017

In 2016, Uzbekistan celebrated twenty-five years of independence. Although government prioritized investment in agriculture sector, the social policy emphasized strongly institutional and organizational changes. As a result, women are mostly excluded from reforms’ benefits. This paper provides a critical literature review that addresses how international gender measurement indicators and methodologies help in understanding women’s empowerment and opportunities in the agriculture sector of post-Soviet Uzbekistan.

Impact of Estonian rural local governments’ capacity on the arable land use

Conference Papers & Reports
декабря, 2016

The land use pattern is affected by different factors. One group of factors related to studies of land use change are socio-economics. The aim of the study is to test if the various indicators describing local government capacity have any impact on changes in arable land use. The study focuses on Estonian rural municipalities. The first task was determination of land use changes for the period 2009-2015. The GIS overlay technique was implemented for this. The second task was a correlation analysis among indicators of changes in arable land use and indicators of local government capacity.

GIS technologies and their application in the field of planning and functional zoning of protected areas in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Conference Papers & Reports
декабря, 2016

In the article is analysed the role of GIS technologies, their connection to the land geographical space, components and tasks of GIS, their role in observation of the state control over land use and protection of agricultural land, as well as ways to improve the system of state control through the introduction of GIS technologies.

Changes of real estate registration in Ukraine

Conference Papers & Reports
декабря, 2016

Changes to the legislation governing the state registration of rights to immovable property and their encumbrances aimed at simplifying relevant procedures, they will improve the existing legal regulation in this area and are designed to ensure the safety and protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the owners, users’ real estate by creating additional safeguards for them.