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Land Portal Foundation administrative account
Displaying 331 - 340 of 6947Strengthening Rights and Economies of Adat and Local Communities Project
The project development objective is to improve participating indigenous people and local communities’ (IPLCs) capacity to engage in tenure security processes and livelihood opportunities from sustainable management of forest and land.
Emissions Reductions in the Forest Sector Through Planted Forests with Major Investors
The project will support smallholder farmers, SMEs and the client plantation forestry company to transform degraded landscapes into highly productive mosaics of forestry blocks, out-grower tree production, houses, agricultural fields and well-managed natural forests. One important element will be to define and register land rights for 14,000 households in and around IFC client plantation concessions (DUATs) in Zambezia.
Multinational - Programme for Integrated Development and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Zambezi River Bas
This intervention concerns the Programme for Integrated Development and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Zambezi River Basin (PIDACC Zambezi). It aims to strengthen regional cooperation in building the resilience of the Zambezi River Basin communities to climatic and economic shocks, through promoting inclusive, transformative investments, job-creation, and ecosystem-based solutions. The Programme approach is to bring interventions to build communities’ resilience to climate change and improve livelihoods, in selected (i) ZAMCOM Hotspots areas, and (ii) lower-level administrative decision-making units. It is exceptionally designed to strengthen the resilience of social and physical infrastructure, improve the adaptive capacities of communities as well as generate additional greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction benefits. The programme consists of four components and associated sub-components, namely: (i) Component 1 - Strengthening Integrated Natural Resources Management; ii) Component 2 - Building Communities’ Resilience to Climate Change; iii) Component 3 - Supporting Adaptive Capacity and Institutional Skills Development; iv) Component 4 - Programme Coordination and Management.
PIDACC Zambezi’s development objective is to strengthen regional cooperation in building the resilience of the Zambezi River Basin communities to climatic and economic shocks, through promoting inclusive, transformative investments, job-creation, and ecosystem-based solutions. Specific objectives are to (i) strengthen the institutional capacities and mechanisms for coordination of Basin monitoring, planning, and management, (ii) increase demand-driven community-level feasible climate resilient infrastructure that would support livelihoods, (iii) develop and improve livelihoods, including job creation, by strengthening agribusiness through investments in water & sanitation, energy, human capital, and agriculture sectors, (iv) build capacity of communities with the view to avoid, reduce and reverse land degradation and effectively manage water resources in a sustainable manner, and (v) enhance institutional development and adaptive capacity in order to reduce vulnerabilities.
Target Groups
The Programme will directly benefit about 800,000 (60% women and 10% youth) with hotspot areas, and indirectly the whole population, by improving their access to water, climate smart agricultural technologies, and community level infrastructure for irrigation and markets, resulting in improved livelihoods. The associated benefits will accrue to inhabitants of the Basin through multi-sectoral utilization of shared water resources within the context of integrated land and water resources development and management, gender equality and social inclusion.
Mozambique - Programme for Integrated Development and Adaptation to Climate Change In The Zambezi River Basin
This intervention concerns the Programme for Integrated Development and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Zambezi River Basin (PIDACC Zambezi). It aims to strengthen regional cooperation in building the resilience of the Zambezi River Basin communities to climatic and economic shocks, through promoting inclusive, transformative investments, job-creation, and ecosystem-based solutions. The Programme approach is to bring interventions to build communities’ resilience to climate change and improve livelihoods, in selected (i) ZAMCOM Hotspots areas, and (ii) lower-level administrative decision-making units. It is exceptionally designed to strengthen the resilience of social and physical infrastructure, improve the adaptive capacities of communities as well as generate additional greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction benefits. The programme consists of four components and associated sub-components, namely: (i) Component 1 - Strengthening Integrated Natural Resources Management; ii) Component 2 - Building Communities’ Resilience to Climate Change; iii) Component 3 - Supporting Adaptive Capacity and Institutional Skills Development; iv) Component 4 - Programme Coordination and Management.
PIDACC Zambezi’s development objective is to strengthen regional cooperation in building the resilience of the Zambezi River Basin communities to climatic and economic shocks, through promoting inclusive, transformative investments, job-creation, and ecosystem-based solutions. Specific objectives are to (i) strengthen the institutional capacities and mechanisms for coordination of Basin monitoring, planning, and management, (ii) increase demand-driven community-level feasible climate resilient infrastructure that would support livelihoods, (iii) develop and improve livelihoods, including job creation, by strengthening agribusiness through investments in water & sanitation, energy, human capital, and agriculture sectors, (iv) build capacity of communities with the view to avoid, reduce and reverse land degradation and effectively manage water resources in a sustainable manner, and (v) enhance institutional development and adaptive capacity in order to reduce vulnerabilities.
Target Groups
The Programme will directly benefit about 800,000 (60% women and 10% youth) with hotspot areas, and indirectly the whole population, by improving their access to water, climate smart agricultural technologies, and community level infrastructure for irrigation and markets, resulting in improved livelihoods. The associated benefits will accrue to inhabitants of the Basin through multi-sectoral utilization of shared water resources within the context of integrated land and water resources development and management, gender equality and social inclusion.
Zambia - Programme for Integrated Development and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Zambezi River Basin (PID
This intervention concerns the Programme for Integrated Development and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Zambezi River Basin (PIDACC Zambezi). It aims to strengthen regional cooperation in building the resilience of the Zambezi River Basin communities to climatic and economic shocks, through promoting inclusive, transformative investments, job-creation, and ecosystem-based solutions. The Programme approach is to bring interventions to build communities’ resilience to climate change and improve livelihoods, in selected (i) ZAMCOM Hotspots areas, and (ii) lower-level administrative decision-making units. It is exceptionally designed to strengthen the resilience of social and physical infrastructure, improve the adaptive capacities of communities as well as generate additional greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction benefits. The programme consists of four components and associated sub-components, namely: (i) Component 1 - Strengthening Integrated Natural Resources Management; ii) Component 2 - Building Communities’ Resilience to Climate Change; iii) Component 3 - Supporting Adaptive Capacity and Institutional Skills Development; iv) Component 4 - Programme Coordination and Management.
PIDACC Zambezi’s development objective is to strengthen regional cooperation in building the resilience of the Zambezi River Basin communities to climatic and economic shocks, through promoting inclusive, transformative investments, job-creation, and ecosystem-based solutions. Specific objectives are to (i) strengthen the institutional capacities and mechanisms for coordination of Basin monitoring, planning, and management, (ii) increase demand-driven community-level feasible climate resilient infrastructure that would support livelihoods, (iii) develop and improve livelihoods, including job creation, by strengthening agribusiness through investments in water & sanitation, energy, human capital, and agriculture sectors, (iv) build capacity of communities with the view to avoid, reduce and reverse land degradation and effectively manage water resources in a sustainable manner, and (v) enhance institutional development and adaptive capacity in order to reduce vulnerabilities.
Target Groups
The Programme will directly benefit about 800,000 (60% women and 10% youth) with hotspot areas, and indirectly the whole population, by improving their access to water, climate smart agricultural technologies, and community level infrastructure for irrigation and markets, resulting in improved livelihoods. The associated benefits will accrue to inhabitants of the Basin through multi-sectoral utilization of shared water resources within the context of integrated land and water resources development and management, gender equality and social inclusion.
Multinational - Drought Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods Programme in the Horn of Africa - Phase I
The proposed project is the second intervention in a long term Bank Programme to build communities’ resilience to drought and Climate Change, improve their livelihood and promote regional integration in the Horn of Africa. The program purpose is to address the root causes of the drought crisis (which drives the fragility of the region), through a comprehensive and integrated list of interventions that fit into the following areas: (i) Support to infrastructure for water resources mobilization and management; (ii) Support to infrastructure for agricultural development (with an emphasis on livestock); and (iii) Support to transport and sub-national and regional trade; and (iv) Support to complementary capacity building and income diversifying activities. Project II aims to scale up the Program interventions in Ethiopia and extend it to Eritrea, Somalia and Sudan. It will be implemented in a period of 5 years and its total cost is UA 81.667 million. Its implementation is expected to develop infrastructures for i) water mobilisation and management, and ii) livestock production, health and marketing. The project will also build the capacity of the populations and Governments of the region to better cope with the effects of climate change, resources scarcity and conflicts related to resources utilisation. An estimated 20 million agro-pastoralists affected by drought and land degradation will directly benefit from the project.
The Project development goal is to enhance drought resilience and improve sustainable livelihoods of agro-pastoral communities in the Horn of Africa region.
Target Groups
An estimated 20 million agro-pastoralists affected by drought and land degradation will directly benefit from the project. Other direct beneficiaries include the Governments of the region whose capacities will be strengthened to enhance drought resilience development, natural resources management and shared benefits, and regional integration. Ultimately, the project is expected to increase the income of agro-pastoralists through the improvement of the delivery of livestock related services (animal production and health, rangeland management, marketing, etc.) and the development of irrigation schemes leading to the improvement of livestock parameters (growth rate, carcass weight, milk production and offtake rate) and, the productivity/production of the main crops. The diversification of the sources of livelihood and the mobilization/conservation of water resources as envisioned by the project will reduce the vulnerability of the population to climate change shocks and exposure to inter/intracommunity conflicts that arise from competition over access to water sources for livestock. Women and youth will particularly benefit from the project as specific activities (including value addition) will be designed to enhance their economic and social integration/empowerment. Ultimately, these expected outcomes are expected to contribute to fostering peace and social resilience within the project communities and countries.
Multinational - Drought Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods Programme in the Horn of Africa (DRSLP) - Proje
The present project is the Ethiopia Component of the first regional Drought Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods Program (DRSLP) in the Horn of Africa (HoA). This operation seeks to improve livelihoods and resilience of the pastoral production system in 15 Woreda (districts) in the Afar and Somali Regional States of Ethiopia. The interventions will support activities to rebuild existing livelihoods through investment in natural resources (water, pasture) management, integrated land management and ecosystem restoration and protection and also investment in agricultural and livestock infrastructure, while improving storage, market and transport infrastructure, such as rural roads.
The project aims at addressing the root causes of the region’s vulnerability in order to build a medium to long-term resilience against drought, enhance peace building and conflict resolution and equitable utilization of the limited natural resources. It will offer a sustainable and long term solution to the drought, floods and livelihoods issues in the HoA.
Target Groups
The DRSLP I will focus on about 4 million beneficiaries in Djibouti, Ethiopia and Kenya. The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in the Horn of Africa (HoA) will also benefit
Multinational - Drought Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods Programme in the Horn of Africa (DRSLP) - Proje
The project is the Djibouti Component of the first regional Drought Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods Program (DRSLP) in the Horn of Africa (HoA). This operation seeks to improve livelihoods and resilience of the pastoral production system in Beyya Dader (Région d’Ali Sabieh), Gaggade-Derela (Région de Dikhil) and Weima (Région de Tadjourah-Obock) areas. The project interventions will support activities to rebuild existing livelihoods through investment in natural resources (water, pasture) management, integrated land management and ecosystem restoration and protection and also investment in agricultural and livestock infrastructure, while improving storage, market and transport infrastructure, such as rural roads.
The project aims at addressing the root causes of the region’s vulnerability in order to build a medium to long-term resilience against drought, enhance peace building and conflict resolution and equitable utilization of the limited natural resources. It will offer a sustainable and long term solution to the drought, floods and livelihoods issues in the HoA.
Target Groups
The DRSLP I will focus on about 4 million beneficiaries in Djibouti, Ethiopia and Kenya. The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in the Horn of Africa (HoA) will also benefit
Multinational - Drought Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods Programme in the Horn of Africa (DRSLP) - Proje
The project is Kenya 's Component of the first regional Drought Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods Program (DRSLP) in the Horn of Africa (HoA). This operation will be implemented in Baringo, Isiolo, Marsabit, Samburu, Turkana and West Pokot Counties. It seeks to improve livelihoods and resilience of the pastoral production system in Beyya Dader (Ali Sabieh region), Gaggade-Derela (Dikhil region) and Weima (Tadjourah-Obock region) areas. The project's interventions will support activities to rebuild existing livelihoods through investment in natural resources (water, pasture) management, integrated land management, ecosystem restoration and protection as well as investment in agricultural and livestock infrastructure.
The project aims at addressing the root causes of the region’s vulnerability in order to build a medium to long-term resilience against drought, enhance peace building and conflict resolution and equitable utilization of the limited natural resources. It will offer a sustainable and long term solution to the drought, floods and livelihoods issues in the HoA.
Target Groups
The DRSLP I will focus on about 4 million beneficiaries in Djibouti, Ethiopia and Kenya. The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in the Horn of Africa (HoA) will also benefit
Multinational - Support for the Implementation of the Great Green Wall Initiative in Eritrea, Mali, Niger, Sud
After a decade of implementation, the Pan African Agency of the Great Wall has recorded tangible achievements in each of the member states. The second decade, which is the scaling-up phase, will be based on a Priority Investment Plan (PIP) developed in collaboration with all the Agency's partners. It is with the aim of contributing to the implementation of the 2021-2030 PIP that this request for support from the AfDB Group focuses on (i) strengthening the technical and institutional capacities of the eligible structures and countries of the initiative and the Great Green Wall Agency, for an effective Environmental Monitoring System, (ii) mobilizing resources through a program that will address issues of adoption to climate change, development of agricultural, forestry and pastoral value chains, and sustainable land management. This project provides an opportunity for the Bank Group to contribute in an accelerated but effective manner to capacity building and resilience in countries undergoing fragility where pledged financial commitments from partners may not create the desired impact if an effective monitoring and evaluation system on the one hand and a long-term programmatic approach on the other are not envisaged. The Pan-African GGW Agency will play a technical coordination and resource mobilization role, and will strengthen the partnership with actors such as UNEP and FAO that are planning major programs in support of GGW, thereby ensuring that the Bank Group's results and approach are scaled up.
The general objective of the intervention is to contribute to the implementation of the PIP 2021-2030, through the strengthening of the technical and institutional capacities of the eligible structures and countries of the initiative, the strengthening of the monitoring and evaluation system at the regional and national levels and the mobilization of resources through a program of adaptation to climate change, development of agricultural, forestry and pastoral value chains, and deployment of sustainable land management techniques. Three specific objectives will help achieve this general objective: (i) to strengthen the monitoring and evaluation system at the regional and national levels, (ii) to update the Agency's resource mobilization instruments and (ii) to develop a high impact project. The main expected results are: (i) the regional and national monitoring-evaluation systems of the GMA become more operational; (ii) resource mobilization is effective; and (iii) the populations of the supported areas are more resilient thanks to the development of a high impact program.
Target Groups
The main direct beneficiaries of the project are: (i) the Great Green Wall Agency located at the regional level and, (ii) the national structures of the Great Green Wall located in Mali, Niger, Sudan, Eritrea, and Chad. The indirect beneficiaries of the project are the communities residing along the route of the Great Green Wall in these 5 countries. The indirect beneficiaries of the project are the communities residing along the Great Green Wall route in these five countries, which will benefit from: (i) the mobilization of more resources by the APGMV, the resilience of the communities will be strengthened through the physical activities planned for the implementation of the regional program; and, (ii) the operationalization of the monitoring and evaluation system will help to make the current and future operations of the Great Green Wall initiative more effective.