Deadline extended! Land Portal is hiring researchers (remote work) | Land Portal

The Land Portal is hiring researchers with expertise on Liberia, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Mozambique, Ghana,  and The Gambia. We are particularly seeking qualified applicants for Sierra Leone and will keep positions open until they are filled. 

Job Description

Each consultant will undertake desk research and conduct a scoping study in the respective country to describe and assess the state of land data and information.  The consultant should provide an overview of the laws and practices with regards to data sharing and management in the country. Each consultant will describe the various land data sources and prepare thoroughly researched and well-written drafts of the findings. The results will be presented in  a State of Land Information (SOLI) report for each country. 

Please see examples of previous SOLI reports for Namibia, Senegal, South Africa, South Sudan, and othersThe Consultant will work independently and report to the Senior Land Information Specialist.

Principal Tasks & Responsibilities: 

Each researcher will be responsible for internalizing and using the Land Portal methodology for SOLI reports for the job.

Specific responsibilities and outputs relating to the State of Land Information consultancies:

  • Undertake desk research in relation to the respective country in order to map and assess the state of land data and information primarily in government, but also considering other stakeholders, such as civil society, academia, donors. 

  • Provide an overview of legal and policy frameworks and land data governance in the respective country. During this process it is important to provide an overview on the rules, regulations, procedures and practices with regards to data sharing and management.

  • Complete dataset matrices with the findings of the scoping exercise. 

  • Draft the State of Land Information report according to Land Portal template.

  • Recommend improvements to the SOLI Methodology.

  • Participate in the bi-weekly exchange calls to share updates and discuss progress.

  • Potentially help conduct a final country workshop to discuss the state of land information.

Specific deliverables will be discussed during the hiring process.


Each consultancy will start as soon as possible and continue for a period of 6 months, or as agreed between the Consultant and the Land Portal Foundation. The Consultant will be working from home.  


Please submit your resume detailing your experience specific to the required tasks and responsibilities. State clearly the country or countries for which you wish to be considered and outline the relevant country experience in relation to each of those countries for which you wish to be considered.

Please submit your resume and cover letter, detailing your experience specific to the required tasks and responsibilities by emailing Include “Application for State of Land Information Consultancy” in the subject line.

About the Land Portal

Please read more about the Land Portal here and here.

About the State of Land Information Reports

In 2019 the Land Portal developed the methodology for uncovering the State of Land Information (SOLI) on a country level. The SOLI seeks to provide an overview of publicly available data and information on key land issues from government and other stakeholders in targeted countries. The aim is to uncover land data and information at the country level and help to identify data and information gaps, with a view to establishing a baseline for targeted ‘information-based’ interventions for improving land governance. In the period 2021 – 2024 the Land Portal Foundation  intends to implement the Open Up Guide for Land Governance and develop SOLI reports for at least 10-12 countries in Africa.  For this consultancy, we are specifically looking for experts on Liberia, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Mozambique, Ghana,  and The Gambia.

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