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Issues / Land & Gender

Land & Gender

From large land acquisitions that displace communities without due compensation, to the encroachment of mining on indigenous lands, to the brunt of climate change and natural disasters, to everyday land and property deprivation by kin or state, women are typically more harshly impacted by land tenure insecurity due to discriminatory laws and lingering social bias.

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The Struggles for Land Podcast: Season 1 - Episode 1 - Land grabbing

29 June 2024

The Struggles for Land Podcast gives a voice to those fighting for access to land and defending the commons. Focusing on one major theme per episode, the podcast interviews and brings together farmers' organizations, social movements, environmental protection and the defense of the commons, as well…

"The world is dressing up in diversity."

6 June 2024

Interview with a same-sex couple who requested a joint title to formalize their property in Colombia.

Stand for Her Land Partners

New partnerships reinforce a growing movement for women’s land rights

20 March 2024

Stand for Her Land (S4HL), the global campaign building a movement for millions of women to realize the transformative power of gender-equitable rights to land, housing, territory, property, and natural resources, is excited to announce new partnerships with International Senior Lawyers Project …


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Webinar recap : Gender, Biodiversity and How Indigenous and Local Community Women Safeguard Nature

24 June 2024

Under the umbrella of the Land Dialogues series, the first webinar of this year’s series “Gender and Biodiversity : How Indigenous and Local Community Women Safeguard Nature” took place on June 13th, 2024. The webinar drew in a little over 300 participants and featured Indigenous and local…

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Gender and Biodiversity : How Indigenous and Local Community Women Safeguard Nature

13 June 2024

Indigenous women’s knowledge is rooted in ancestral understanding of the natural world and the accumulation of observations of local phenomena. The most significant aspect of Indigenous women holding and preserving these traditional knowledge is their holistic approach, which encompasses a wide…