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Countries África oriental related News

África oriental

Displaying 13 - 24 of 72
28 Abril 2022
The Ngorongoro Conservation Area in northern Tanzania is a spectacular area made up of expansive plains, forests and savanna. It’s also home to a huge caldera – a depression that forms when a volcano erupts and collapses – known as the Ngorongoro Crater. The Conservation Area, covering about 8,…
4 Abril 2022
The World Food Programme has published a second update on the implications of the war in Ukraine for food security in Eastern Africa Key Messages • The disruptions in imports, production and the related surge in food prices induced by the current conflict in Ukraine have the potential to worsen the…
3 Septiembre 2021
L'Unité d'administration foncière de l'Université Ardhi, le nœud NELGA pour l'Afrique de l'Est, s'est lancée dans un projet de sensibilisation communautaire du 12 au 17 juillet, pour sensibiliser les dirigeants locaux des districts communautaires aux lois foncières dans le but ultime d'être le…
17 Enero 2021
Foto: Angela Sevin/Flickr A British Ecological Society (BES) está atualmente aceitando propostas para o Prêmio Ecologistas na África para realizar pesquisas ecológicas inovadoras. O BES reconhece que os ecologistas em África enfrentam desafios únicos na realização de pesquisas. O prêmio foi …
17 Enero 2021
Foto: Rita Willaert/Flickr   Yibtalal Amero, embaixador da Etiópia no Sudão, acusou ontem (13) o exército sudanês de confiscar nove campos em solo etíope, conforme informações da agência Anadolu.   “Ficamos surpresos com os ataques do exército sudanês contra o território etíope, ao confiscar nove…
12 Enero 2021
Foto: Nina R/Flickr   Catherine Nakalembe ganhou o prêmio Africa Food Prize deste ano por trabalho pioneiro usando imagens de satélite.   Como uma entusiasta jogadora de badminton, a ugandense Catherine Nakalembe queria estudar ciências do esporte na universidade, mas o fracasso em obter as notas…
6 Enero 2021
The changing Covid context In our last update (19th of November 2020) we indicated that there were fears that cluster outbreaks could lead to a second wave of Covid infections in South Africa. Unfortunately, these fears have been realised and South Africa is back on Level 3 lockdown restrictions…
7 Octubre 2020
A call for evidence-based approaches and community engagement to increase tree cover This article was originally published by Landscape News.    Leveraging strong scientific and technical knowledge is essential to regreening the planet, said delegates during a conference on tree planting…
12 Agosto 2020
In this land news update from South Africa we focus on: Our changing Covid 19 context The unresolved problem of farm worker evictions Budget cuts and food insecurity Contestation over land administration in communal areas in KwaZulu-Natal province The need for a digital deeds registry platform…
21 Julio 2020
‘WOLTS Team Perspectives’ is a new series of blogs launched in February 2020 by the global WOLTS team. In this series, field team members share their views about the impacts of the project’s action-research on gender, land and mining among pastoralist communities in Tanzania and Mongolia. So far,…
29 Abril 2020
Após o COVID-19, o próximo desafio da Índia poderá ser o ataque de gafanhotos de tamanho gigantesco neste verão. Fontes oficiais disseram que o governo estava se preparando para uma "guerra de duas frentes" - uma que estava em andamento contra as infecções pelo COVID-19 e outra para garantir a…
18 Febrero 2020
Using a number of initiatives, the government has continuously endorsed the rights of women to ensure that they are economically and monetarily viable. As we celebrate this year’s International Women’s Day, on March 8 in Mbale district under the theme, "Celebrating 25 Years of the 1995 Constitution…