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Income Generation and Social Protection for the Poor

Junio, 2012

This report summarizes and consolidates the findings of three Bank studies on poverty issues in Mexico, written as part of the second phase of this work: Urban Poverty, Rural Poverty, and Social Protection. It also expands on how Mexico will seek to use social protection policy as a vehicle for redistribution. Discussed in Chapter 1, the state has a clear role in providing risk-pooling mechanisms where private insurance markets fail (e.g., old age and health insurance), but the role of social protection policy in promoting redistribution is more an issue of national choice.

Vanishing Rangelands

Reports & Research
Mayo, 2012

The primary aim of this study is to investigate the size of the range lost to other forms of land uses. This will support the argument that it is time to reconsider the pastoralists sector as a legitimate mode of production in the country which, like other sectors, deserve due priority.

Land Redistribution in South Africa

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Mayo, 2012
África austral

This paper provides an overview of land reform in South Africa from 1994 to 2011, with the focus on the land redistribution. The government policies and associated implementation since 1994 have not generated expected social and economic results for a number of reasons. Even where land has been transferred, it appears to have had minimal impact on the livelihoods of beneficiaries, largely because of inappropriate project design, a lack of necessary support services and shortages of working capital, leading to widespread underutilization of land.

Integración regional desde Perú

Policy Papers & Briefs
Mayo, 2012

* Fernando Eguren
En Sudamérica, mientras los discursos políticos de varios presidentes acuden de forma permanente a los imaginarios de la integración regional, hay procesos económicos que trascienden el contenido simbólico y, de hecho, lo contradicen o le plantean las inquietudes emergentes de la propia realidad. En el presente artículo el destacado sociólogo peruano Fernando Eguren desmenuza las intersecciones entre un contexto turbulento y las vías, reales e ideales, de una posible integración regional.

Gender and Asset Ownership : A Guide to Collecting Individual-Level Data

Mayo, 2012

Ownership and control over assets such
as land and housing provide direct and indirect benefits to
individuals and households, including a secure place to
live, the means of a livelihood, protection during
emergencies, and collateral for credit that can be used for
investment or consumption. Unfortunately, few studies -
either at the micro or macro levels- examine the gender
dimensions of asset ownership. This paper sets out a

Institutional Pathways to Equity : Addressing Inequality Traps

Mayo, 2012

Inequalities and development:
dysfunctions, traps, and transitions by Anthony J.
Bebbington, Anis A. Dani, Arjan de Haan, and Michael Walton.
Asset inequality and agricultural growth: how are patterns
of asset inequality established and reproduced? By Rachel
Sabates. Beneath the categories: power relations and
inequalities in Uganda by Joy M. Moncrieffe. Inequalities
within India's poorest regions: why do the same

Land in Transition : Reform and Poverty in Rural Vietnam

Reports & Research
Abril, 2012

The policy reforms called for in the
transition from a socialist command economy to a developing
market economy bring both opportunities and risks to a
country's citizens. In poor economies, the initial
focus of reform efforts is naturally the rural sector, which
is where one finds the bulk of the population and almost all
the poor. Economic development will typically entail moving
many rural households out of farming into more remunerative

G8 Cooperation Framework to Support "the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition" in Tanzania

Reports & Research
Abril, 2012

Three years after the G8 Summit at L’Aquila, Italy, the international community recognizes the importance of food security to development, inclusive economic growth and the dignity of all women and men. In that spirit, we welcome the success of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program (CAADP) in demonstrating African ownership and leadership, its call for expanded public and private investment in agriculture and desire to build on the progress that African governments have made in advancing a vision for agricultural development in Africa. 

Land Fragmentation, Cropland
Abandonment, and Land Market Operation in Albania

Abril, 2012

Albania's radical farmland
distribution is credited with averting an economic crisis
and social unrest during the transition. But many believe it
led to a holding structure too fragmented to be efficient,
and that public efforts to consolidate plots are needed to
lay the foundation for greater rural productivity. This
paper uses farm-level data from the 2005 Albania Living
Standards Measurement Survey to explore this quantitatively.