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Budget Analysis for ASDP and DADP Funds in Tanzania

Reports & Research
Julio, 2011

The Agriculture Sector Development Programme (ASDP) is a Sector Programme largely implemented at the district level through the District Agricultural Development Plans (DADPs) as an integral part of the District Development Plan (DDP). The government also works at the national level through the Agriculture Sector Lead Ministries (ASLMs) to deal with issues such as fertiliser subsidies, large irrigation schemes, research and development, regulation and coordination as well as quality assurance.

Philippines Financial Sector Assessment Program Update

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Julio, 2011
Asia oriental

This technical note on access to finance addresses six questions: 1) what is the access to and use of financial services in the Philippines, how does it vary, and how does it compare to other countries? 2) What financial services are available to different market segments? 3) How do different categories of financial institutions contribute to outreach, and what is their potential to expand outreach? 4) How does the regulatory environment support access to finance? 5) What financial infrastructure is available to make credit decisions?

Propiedad de la tierra en Sudamérica

Policy Papers & Briefs
Junio, 2011
América del Sur

 (*) Silvia Lilian Ferro
El presente artículo se basa en el documento del mismo nombre recientemente difundido por el Instituto para el Desarrollo Rural de Sudamérica (IPDRS), octavo en la serie EXPLORACIONES. El texto revisa históricamente el papel de las políticas públicas que los Estados Nacionales implementan en la profundización de las brechas de desigualdad en las estructuras agrarias de Sudamérica, y analiza la directa y estrecha relación entre éstas y la construcción de las relaciones de fuerza entre los actores agrarios de la estructura de propiedad de la tierra.

The Brazilian agrarian issue requires solution in the XXI century

Journal Articles & Books
Abril, 2011
América do Sul
In this beginning of century, Brazil has, on one hand, a high economic growth, strong institutions in various areas and improvement of social situation, but, on the other hand, the rural and urban land situation is still very precarious, with elementary issues that are not resolved and that most developed countries solved them still in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

Entre la agroempresa y la agrobiodiversidad: trabajo en las empresas florícolas y conservación de los sistemas productivos campesinos.

Reports & Research
Febrero, 2011

El siguiente trabajo de investigación analiza de manera comparativa las estrategias familiares campesinas de producción y reproducción social en el contexto de la agroindustria florícola en el cantón Cayambe. Se hace una revisión sobre la estructuración de los sistemas productivos, las formas en que las familias se adaptan, resisten y cambian frente a los contextos socioeconómicos con respuestas como la migración o la pluriactividad y cómo estos elementos se articulan con la soberanía alimentaria.

The Right to Land Restitution as Inspiration for Mobilisation

Conference Papers & Reports
Enero, 2011

This chapter is an initial exploration and sharing of experiences and ideas based largely on a case study of a group of small farmers who have occupied and are producing on land that they believe they have an historical right to. The group, called Mahlahluvani – although they include people from other communities and claimant groups – are part of a land claim that has been lodged on the land they now occupy, but the claim is not yet settled.

Reforma agraria en Colombia y “Prosperidad para Todos” : ¿el camino hacia el desarrollo humano?

Journal Articles & Books
Enero, 2011

Este artículo presenta una reflexión sobre las causas de la concentración de la tierra en Colombia, y la importancia de la reforma agraria en su contribución al desarrollo en el contexto del actual Plan de Desarrollo “Prosperidad para Todos”. El argumento central es que la tenencia de la tierra por motivos especulativos presenta una alta preferencia del público que destina sus recursos a esta, antes que a la adquisición de activos productivos, sacrificando así el desarrollo y el bienestar de la sociedad.

World Economic and Social Survey 2011

Reports & Research
Enero, 2011

Enormous improvements in human welfare have taken place over the past two centuries, but these have been unevenly distributed and have come at a lasting cost of degradation of our natural environment. At the same time, we cannot stop the engines of growth, because much more economic progress is still needed in order for people in developing countries to have a decent living. But using the traditional environmentally irresponsible development paths is no longer defensible.