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Can Agricultural Households Farm Their Way Out of Poverty?

Diciembre, 2014

This paper examines the determinants of
agricultural productivity and its link to poverty using
nationally representative data from the Nigeria General
Household Survey Panel, 2010/11. The findings indicate an
elasticity of poverty reduction with respect to agricultural
productivity of between 0.25 to 0.3 percent, implying that a
10 percent increase in agricultural productivity will
decrease the likelihood of being poor by between 2.5 and 3

Does Livestock Ownership Affect Animal Source Foods Consumption and Child Nutritional Status? Evidence from Rural Uganda

Diciembre, 2014

In many developing countries,
consumption of animal source foods among the poor is still
at a level where increasing its share in total caloric
intake may have many positive nutritional benefits. This
paper explores whether ownership of various livestock
species increases consumption of animal source foods and
helps improve child nutritional status. The paper finds some
evidence that food consumption patterns and nutritional

Does Culture Matter for Development?

Diciembre, 2014

Economists have either avoided or
struggled with the concept of culture and its role in
economic development. Although a few theoretical works --
and even fewer empirical studies -- have appeared in the
past decades, this paper tries to build on a
multidisciplinary approach to review the evidence on whether
and how culture matters for development. First, the paper
reviews available definitions of culture and illustrates

Rainfall and Rainfall Variability

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2014
Burkina Faso
Sudán del Sur
República Centroafricana
África subsahariana
África Central
África oriental
África septentrional
África austral
África occidental

In Africa, where most agriculture is rainfed, crop growth is limited by water availability. Rainfall variability during a growing season generally translates into variability in crop production. While the seasonality of rainfall in the drier rangelands can play a significant role in productivity, rain-use efficiency (RUE)—the amount of biomass produced (in kilograms of dry matter per hectare) per millimeter of rainfall—also drives production.

World Bank Research Digest, Vol. 7(4)

Diciembre, 2014

This issue of the Research digest
newsletter contains the following topics of interest: how to
move the exchange rate if you must; focus - urbanization and
poverty reduction; Turkey's export boom in the 2000s;
social protection, poverty, and the post-2015 agenda;
village India: the growing importance of the nonfarm sector;
incentive audits: a new tool for preventing financial
crises?; and, biodiversity and national accounting.

Protected Areas and Deforestation : New Results from High Resolution Panel Data

Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2014

This paper investigates the
effectiveness of protected areas in slowing tropical forest
clearing in 64 countries in Asia/Pacific, Africa, and Latin
America for the period 2001-2012. The investigation compares
deforestation rates inside and within 10 kilometers outside
the boundary of protected areas. Annual time series of these
deforestation rates were constructed from recently published
high-resolution data on forest clearing. For 4,028 parks,

Cambodia Development Review - Complete issue March 2014

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre, 2014

Cambodia Development Review is published four times a year in simultaneous English- and Khmer-language editions by the Publisher: CDRI Cambodia Development Resource Institute in Phnom Penh. Cambodia Development Review provides a forum for the discussion of development issues affecting Cambodia. Economy Watch offers an independent assessment of Cambodia’s economic performance.

Planificación nacional para la mitigación de GEI en la agricultura: Documento de orientación

Other legal document
Noviembre, 2014
Macedonia del Norte
Costa Rica

Esta guía describe dos de los principales enfoques para la planificación de la mitigación de gases de efecto invernadero en los países en desarrollo: las Estrategias de Desarrollo con Bajas Emisiones (LEDS, siglas en inglés) y las Medidas de Mitigación Apropiada para Cada País (NAMA, siglas en inglés). Explica las posibles relaciones entre las mismas y su estatus en la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (CMNUCC).

Building a common vision for sustainable food and agriculture

Manuals & Guidelines
Noviembre, 2014

Over the coming 35 years, agriculture will face an unprecedented confluence of pressures, including a 30 percent increase in the global population, intensifying competition for increasingly scarce land, water and energy resources, and the existential threat of climate change. To provide for a population projected to reach 9.3 billion in 2050 and support changing dietary patterns, estimates are that food production will need to increase from the current 8.4 billion tonnes to almost 13.5 billion tonnes a year.

Monitoring land-based investments in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA): review of existing initiatives and options on way forward for developing a monitoring system

Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2014
Western Africa

Monitoring land-based investments in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA): review of existing initiatives and options on way forward for developing a monitoring system

El contexto de la deforestación y degradación de los bosques en Bolivia: de los bosques en Bolivia

Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2014
South America

Bolivia cuenta con una importante superficie de bosques, mayormente en su región sub-tropical y tropical. La deforestación alcanza aproximadamente 200.000 hectáreas por año, sobre todo en las tierras bajas, mientras que la degradación de bosques es más acentuada en los bosques andinos. La ganadería es actualmente la principal causa directa de deforestación, seguida por la agricultura mecanizada de mediana y gran escala, mayormente para la producción de soya, y luego la agricultura a pequeña escala.

Fluid dynamics: Water, knowledge, and power in the Mekong Delta

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre, 2014
Viet Nam

ABSTRACTED FROM THE FIRST TWO PARAGRAPHS: Over the past several years, the enormity of the environmental challenges facing the Mekong River Delta region of southern Vietnam has become increasingly clear. Climate change and dam construction on the upper reaches of the Mekong threaten to disrupt the flow of the river, making both droughts and floods ever more common. Meanwhile, the rapid intensification of rice agriculture in the Mekong Delta and the export-oriented cultivation of farmed fish and shrimp have increasingly strained.