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World Bank Group and World Bank Corporate Scorecards, October 2015

Noviembre, 2015

In July 2013, the World Bank Group
launched its Strategy, outlining how it will partner more
effectively with clients to help them achieve the ambitious
goals of eradicating extreme poverty and boosting shared
prosperity through economic growth, inclusion,
sustainability and resilience. In April 2014, the World Bank
Group Corporate Scorecard was launched for the first time
and the World Bank Scorecard revised to monitor the

The Impact of Violence on Individual Risk Preferences

Noviembre, 2015

This study estimates the impact of
Kenya’s post-election violence on individual risk
preferences. Because the crisis interrupted a longitudinal
survey of more than five thousand Kenyan youth, this timing
creates plausibly exogenous variation in exposure to civil
conflict by the time of the survey. The study measures
individual risk preferences using hypothetical lottery
choice questions, which are validated by showing that they

Solar Resource Mapping in the Maldives

Noviembre, 2015

This report is prepared within phase one
of the project renewable energy resource mapping for the
Republic of the Maldives. This part of the project focuses
on solar resource mapping and measurement services as part
of a technical assistance in the renewable energy
development implemented by the World Bank in Maldives. It is
being undertaken in close coordination with the ministry of
environment and energy (MEE) of Maldives, the World Bank’s

Investing in Habope

Noviembre, 2015

In countries ravaged by a history of
civil war and genocide, the overarching goal for local
government and international donors alike is to promote
social cohesion, stability and community reconstruction. In
Sierra Leone, reconstruction programs emphasize a
decentralized approach to: (i) rapidly build market
institutions; (ii) enhance community decision making; and
(iii) strengthen intra and inter-community tolerance and

Communal Property Association 2015 Annual Report, Rama and Riemvasmaak updates: Department Rural Development & Land Reform briefings, minute adoption

Legislation & Policies
Noviembre, 2015

The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR) presented the Annual Report 2014/15 for the Communal Property Associations (CPAs). To date, 1 428 CPAs were registered, with 48 being registered in the last financial year. Challenges faced by CPAs included ongoing conflicts amongst CPA members which centred on governance issues, and the fact that some CPAs were insolvent and needed an injection of funds to put them on a sound footing. 29 CPAs were untraceable, 20 CPAs had lost (through sale or loss by attachment) 10 668 hectares of land, and nine CPAs were under administration.

Review of Program Design and Beneficiary Profiles of Social Welfare Programs in Mongolia

Octubre, 2015

The report begins with a summary of
programs reviewed, a description of the PMT targeting
system, and the profile of individuals in the database. It
then presents key findings from the review of budgets and
the analysis of SW Admin/PMT data on program coverage and
distributional equity of program benefits. The report
concludes with a discussion of policy implications and
recommendations that emerged from the key findings and the

Financing for Development

Octubre, 2015

The development community is
increasingly accepting the importance of evidence, feedback,
and learning. Some of which is generated through research,
monitoring, and self-evaluation during policy-making,
program design, and implementation. Others come from
feedback from people directly affected by interventions who
have gained a greater voice, be it through third-party
feedback mechanisms, social media, beneficiary surveys, or

How to Make a Barranco: Modeling Erosion and Land-Use in Mediterranean Landscapes

Peer-reviewed publication
Septiembre, 2015

We use the hybrid modeling laboratory of the Mediterranean Landscape Dynamics (MedLanD) Project to simulate barranco incision in eastern Spain under different scenarios of natural and human environmental change. We carry out a series of modeling experiments set in the Rio Penaguila valley of northern Alicante Province. The MedLanD Modeling Laboratory (MML) is able to realistically simulate gullying and incision in a multi-dimensional, spatially explicit virtual landscape. We first compare erosion modeled in wooded and denuded landscapes in the absence of human land-use.

Ecological Recycling Agriculture to Enhance Agro-Ecosystem Services in the Baltic Sea Region: Guidelines for Implementation

Peer-reviewed publication
Septiembre, 2015

Eutrophication caused by agriculture is an increasing ecological threat to the Baltic Sea. Modern, resource-efficient farming systems based on integrated plant and animal production, effective nutrient recycling and low external inputs can enhance multiple agro-ecosystem services, resulting in reduced pollution. Practical examples of such farming systems are not widespread. Therefore, the Baltic Ecological Recycling Agriculture and Society (BERAS) Implementation project aimed to foster this systemic shift.

Poster on Digital Survey and Settlement for public education in Bangladesh

Institutional & promotional materials
Septiembre, 2015

Uttaran is implementing a project titled, Sustainable Access to Land Equality-SALE' with support of European Union. SALE is the civil society component of overall access to land project that is lead by Department of Land Records and Surveys (DLRS) and Ministry of Land in Bangladesh. SALE partners are taking the main responsibility of the public awareness of vulnerable land owners, capacity support to make the vulnerable land owners sensitive land administration, to pilot transparent landless people selection and state land settlement to landless people.

Brazil Land Governance Assessment

Septiembre, 2015

This report on the assessment of land
governance in Brazil summarizes and discusses the results of
a series of standardized self-assessments of the land
governance situation in Brazil, conducted entirely by
Brazilian speakers. Therefore, these findings represent the
perception of local experts based on their experience of
news and data available. The main aim of this report are
federal and state authorities directly involved in land

Linking Women with Agribusiness in Zambia

Septiembre, 2015

Three of sub-Saharan Africa’s central
economic realities motivate this study. First, agriculture
is the most important sector in most African economies, on
average accounting for nearly one-fourth of GDP. Second, the
private sector is increasingly active in transforming
African agriculture and economies. By 2030, agriculture and
agribusiness are anticipated to become a US$ 1 trillion
industry in Africa, delivering more jobs, income, and