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Kingdom of Lesotho Local Governance, Decentralization, and Demand-Driven Service Delivery, Volume 1. Main Report

Agosto, 2014

After more than 35 years, the elected
local government system in Lesotho was reestablished in 2005
through the election of the Local Authorities, i.e. the
Community and District Councils (CCs and DCs). Across the
political spectrum, the political will to move forward was
at its peak. An exemplary campaign to educate the entire
population as to the purposes and functioning of the new
Local Authorities, and the electoral process preceded the

Iraq Country Water Resource Assistance Strategy : Addressing Major Threats to People's Livelihoods

Agosto, 2014

This report for Iraq - country water
resources assistance strategy (CWRAS) addresses these
objectives in two parts. The first part, which is largely
descriptive, reviews existing conditions and summarizes
Iraq's considerable accomplishments over the past
decades in developing and managing water resources. The
second part investigates challenges and priorities-how to
balance the needs of short-term reconstruction and the

Energy and Poverty Reduction : Proceedings from a Multi-Sector and Multi-Stakeholder Workshop - How Can Modern Energy Services Contribute to Poverty Reduction?

Agosto, 2014

This report summarizes the proceedings
from a workshop, the first in the region designed to foster
a multi-sectoral approach to development energy services for
poverty reduction, held at the Hilton Hotel in Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia, October 23-25, 2002. It was co-organized by the
World Bank-UNDP sponsored Energy Sector Management
Assistance Program (ESMAP) and the World Bank Africa Energy
Unit, and others. The report focuses on the key issues

Managing Risks in Rural Senegal : A Multi-Sectoral Review of Efforts to Reduce Vulnerability

Agosto, 2014

The main objective of the study is to
provide the Government of Senegal the analyses and
information to implement policies towards reducing the rural
poor's vulnerability. While during the latest years,
economic growth reduced poverty in the country, this has
been less noticeable among the rural population, who
actually account for 6 million people over a total
population of 10 million. The rural economy remains

Upper Egypt--Challenges and Priorities for Rural Development

Agosto, 2014

This sector report on Challenges and
Priorities for Rural Development analyzes why Upper Egypt
has lagged behind the rest of the country and to help the
Government of Egypt and stakeholders to define a framework
for interventions to promote broad-based economic growth and
human development that will reach the poor and improve
welfare in rural Upper Egypt. To achieve this objective, the
strategic framework for intervention proposed here has two

Foundation Training on ‘Facilitation’

Training Resources & Tools
Julio, 2014

Most participants i.e. Uttaran's field team faced the same challenge; powerful people in their working area (for example Union Parisad members/chairman) are not always willing to cooperate towards their project goals. It is important to work step by step when facilitating meetings. As a facilitator, one first needs to analyze the community to identify which people are influential and for which people the project is important. The training was delivered to increase capacity of Uttaran's field team members in order to improve their facilitation capacity.

ICTs for Climate Change Adaptation in Africa

Julio, 2014

Like other regions of the world, Africa
is beginning to experience the impacts of human-induced
climate change. These observed changes in climate parameters
have not occurred uniformly across Africa. Mitigation is
concerned with reducing the level of greenhouse gas
emissions in the Earth's atmosphere that are the
principal causes of climate change. Adaptation is concerned
not with prevention but, in the words of the

Republic of Burundi Skills Development for Growth : Building Skills for Coffee and Other Priority Sectors

Julio, 2014

With limited land, capital, and a fast
growing population, Burundi's main asset is its
youthful population. Its main challenge is also to create
good quality jobs for its youth. With low levels of
educational attainment and poor health status, the quality
of this young population is poor. After more than 13 years
of conflict ending in 2000, and a period of modest recovery,
Burundi has the opportunity to stimulate growth. Burundi is

Enhancing Environmental and Social Sustainability of Mining in Armenia

Julio, 2014

This paper aims to inform Armenia's
policy dialogue on environmental and social issues in the
mining sector. The paper is based on the premise that for
the mining sector to have positive, long-term impacts in
Armenia, it is necessary to take into consideration the
short- and long-term environmental and social impacts of the
sector and to promote strategic planning and efficient
management of natural resources. The mining sector in

Cameroon Social Safety Nets

Julio, 2014

This report lays the groundwork for a
safety net system that can address the needs of the poor in
Cameroon. Cameroon does not have a coordinated system of
safety nets; rather, small, isolated interventions which
together do not address the needs. Moreover, food and fuel
price subsidies which mainly benefit the rich cost around 2
percent of GDP/year much more than total safety net
spending. There is a need for a social protection strategy

Economy-Wide Impact of Oil Discovery in Ghana

Julio, 2014

Ghana's oil will start to flow in
2011, maybe even before, and most of its known reserves will
be extracted in the immediate years after. The promise of
oil generates expectations of all sorts, the more so as
Ghana currently grapples with a macroeconomic crisis of
significant proportions. This overview discusses the
Ghana-specific nature of these challenges and explores
possible options to address them. In doing so, it builds on

Indian Road Construction Industry : Capacity Issues, Constraints and Recommendations

Julio, 2014

Over the last few years, the Indian
economy has been in a phase of unparalleled growth of about
8-10 percent per year, making it one of the fastest growing
economies in the world. Sustaining this rate of growth will
need huge investments in physical infrastructure such as
roads, water, power, and urban sectors. Preliminary
estimates suggest that investment in infrastructure would
need to increase from the current 4.6 percent of gross