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Community Land Law.

Reports & Research
Enero, 2013

A report of a Conference held in Nairobi 6-7th June 2013. Includes case studies on community land rights from South Africa, Uganda, Mozambique, Rwanda, Brazil and Kenya.

Gender and equity implications of land-related investments - Cases of study - Ghana (FAO 2013)

Enero, 2013
Western Africa

Agricultural investments create risks as well as opportunities, for instance The Case Study of Integrated Tamale Fruit Company (2013) In recent years, Ghana has witnessed increased interest from private companies in developing agricultural investments. This trend is common to many lower/middle income countries.

Gender and equity implications of land-related investments - Case of study - Zambia (FAO 2013)

Reports & Research
Enero, 2013
Southern Africa

In recent years, Zambia has witnessed increased interest from private investors in acquiring land for agriculture. As elsewhere, large-scale land acquisitions are often accompanied with promises of capital investments to build infrastructure, bring new technologies and know-how, create employment, and improve market access, among other benefits

A Case Study of Selected Agricultural Investments in Zambia (2013) 

Natural Capital, Ecological Scarcity and Rural Poverty

Enero, 2013

Much of the rural poor -- who are
growing in number -- are concentrated in ecologically
fragile and remote areas. The key ecological scarcity
problem facing such poor households is a vicious cycle of
declining livelihoods, increased ecological degradation and
loss of resource commons, and declining ecosystem services
on which the poor depend. In addition, developing economies
with high concentrations of their populations on fragile

Presenting the book: “China’s disappearing countryside: Towards Sustainable Land Governance for the Poor”

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2012

China’s land policy has been in the news frequently over the last few weeks, since the Chinese government announced it will reform its land policy in the wake of the Third Plenum last November.

For those who do not know the Chinese land system follows a brief introduction:

Land and Natural Resources Tenure Security Learning Initiative for East and Southern Africa (TSLI-ESA) - Phase 1

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2012

This report provides an overview of the achievements and learning from the Phase 1 of the Tenure Security Learning Initiative - East & Southern Africa (TSLI-ESA) Project. It also looks ahead to strategies for scaling up the initiatives, and to the second phase of the TSLI-ESA project. The main objective of the TSLI-ESA Phase 1 Project has been to identify common land and natural resources tenure issues and to enhance lesson sharing and knowledge management on land-related tools and approaches amongst the various projects, country stakeholders and partners.