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Mise en pratique des Directives sur la gouvernance foncière et des Directives sur la pêche artisanale

Manuals & Guidelines
Abril, 2022

Le présent guide de formation a été élaboré en partenariat avec plusieurs divisions de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO) et FIAN International, et a été adapté du guide d’apprentissage Mise en pratique des Directives volontaires sur les régimes fonciers: Guide de formation à l’intention des organisations de la société civile, dans le but d’inclure les spécificités du secteur de la pêche artisanal.

Targeted Study on the Role of Customary Land Formalization in Women's Economic Empowerment

Reports & Research
Abril, 2022

This report presents the results of a mixed-methods study on the role of customary land documentation in strengthening Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE). The overarching purpose was to help fill critical knowledge gaps on if and how strengthening women’s land rights via formalized customary land documentation affects their empowerment and economic growth, with a specific focus on women’s access to credit and other financial services, land investments and income opportunities.

Targeted Study on the Role of Customary Land Formalization in Women’s Economic Empowerment

Reports & Research
Abril, 2022

This report presents the results of a mixed-methods study on the role of customary land documentation in strengthening Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE). The overarching purpose was to help fill critical knowledge gaps on if and how strengthening women’s land rights via formalized customary land documentation affects their empowerment and economic growth, with a specific focus on women’s access to credit and other financial services, land investments and income opportunities.

Les procédures d’expropriation pour cause d’utilité publique en République Centrafricaine

Journal Articles & Books
Marzo, 2022
Central African Republic

En République Centrafricaine, l’Etat détient le pouvoir d’exproprier une personne physique ou morale d’un bien foncier. Cette pratique se justifie par la mise en œuvre des Projets d’Intérêt Général dont l’Etat seul est garant. La corruption n’est pas absente dans le mécanisme. L’objectif de cette étude consiste à analyser les procédures d’expropriation pour cause d’utilité publique en Centrafrique et relever les cas de corruption quand il s’agit d’indemniser les victimes. Les méthodes analytique et descriptive ont été utilisées pour la réalisation de ce travail.

Agroecology & Land Rights: Solutions on Two Sides of the Same Coin

Febrero, 2022

This powerpoint presentation explains how the Solutions Journalism approach is applied on the reporting of agroecological initiatives in the Philippines and their relation with land rights issues. The presentation was given at the Introductory Briefing: Reporting on Environmental and Land Issues: The Solutions Journalism Approach, on 9 March 2022.

Reporting on land solutions: threading the how's and the why

Febrero, 2022

This powerpoint presentation explains why and how to use the Solutions Journalism approach for reporting on key land-related challenges and solutions, including pollution, climate change, deforestation, water scarcity, waste disposal etc. The presentation was given at the Introductory Briefing: Reporting on Environmental and Land Issues: The Solutions Journalism Approach, on 9 March 2022.

Invisible And Excluded: Risks To Informal Wives And Partners From Land Tenure Formalization And Titling Campaigns In Latin America

Reports & Research
Febrero, 2022
Latin America and the Caribbean

Latin American countries have pursued rural land titling and registration campaigns over the past several decades with a broad range of social and economic goals. These efforts represent a permanent or long-term legal recognition of rights to land as a primary economic asset for agricultural communities and a source of family subsistence, security, and social and cultural wellbeing. Land rights can provide multi-generational benefits to recipients.

Land Portal Annual Report 2021

Reports & Research
Febrero, 2022

Letter from the Team Leader

The Land Portal Foundation is proud to support land stakeholders around the world to nurture a growing information ecosystem that is informing and improving land-related decision-making, policy, and practice at all levels.

Informe Anual Land Portal 2021

Reports & Research
Febrero, 2022


Carta de la líder de equipo

La Fundación Land Portal se enorgullece de apoyar a los actores involucrados en la tierra en todo el mundo para alimentar un creciente ecosistema de información que está informando y mejorando la toma de decisiones, la política y la práctica relacionadas con la tierra en todos los niveles.