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Thésaurus multilingue du foncier

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre, 2005
Burkina Faso
Sierra Leona

En 1999, la FAO publiait la première version française du Thésaurus multilingue du foncier. Cette version avait surtout pour vocation d'être mise à l'épreuve du terrain, c'est-à-dire soumise aux critiques constructives tant des usagers à la recherche d'informations et d'éclairages nouveaux que des experts du foncier. En effet, sur le fond comme sur la forme, sont apparus un certain nombre de points forts mais aussi des lacunes, relevés depuis 1999 par l'équipe des rédacteurs et par de nombreux autres spécialistes du foncier.

Human Security and Aboriginal Women in Canada

Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2005
América Septentrional

Aboriginal women in Canada are at the forefront of resistance when it comes to threats to their land and culture. This is the conclusion of this study, which examines the links between Aboriginal women, protest and human security. The study shows that restrictions on fishing rights, expansion in logging, and ski-resort development are being fiercely fought by Aboriginal women. They stand in front of trains, blockade roads and mobilise demonstrations and this often results in clashes with authorities and police violence. Aboriginal women both use and challenge their gender roles.

Land Rights and Enclosures: Implementing the Mozambican Land Law in Practice

Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2005

Includes key features of current land policy, land law implementation – recording local rights, registering customarily held rights, knowing your rights, the public sector response, private sector and other non-customary land rights, historical land units, land concentration, benefits to local people – community consultations, the positive side of the picture.

Land: Changing Contexts, Changing Relationships, Changing Rights

Reports & Research
Septiembre, 2005

An in-depth and far-reaching ‘think-piece’ commissioned by ‘but not necessarily reflecting the views of’ DFID. The focus is on Africa and South and South-East Asia, and on land registration and titling, and decentralisation of land administration systems. Draws attention to the effects of land policy for the poor, arguing that land rights are often instruments in local politics and power relations.

Land Rights: where we are and where we need to go

Reports & Research
Septiembre, 2005

Review of the situation of land rights in Apac District and of opportunities for land rights protection work. Examines the 1998 Land Act and its implementation in practice. Finds that the protection clauses for women are proving ineffective. Also looks at the major threats and barriers to land rights and suggests ways forward. Among many other pertinent questions, asks why the Ugandan Government has shown so little interest in customary tenure and why it pursues land titling to the extent it does.

Orphans’ Land Rights in Post-War Rwanda: The Problem of Guardianship

Reports & Research
Septiembre, 2005

Covers orphans in Africa; the problem of guardianship; the Rwandan setting; post-war situation of orphans; children and the law(s); orphans’ efforts to assert land rights – land dispute cases; rethinking care giving for orphans. The 1994 genocide, combined with the impacts of HIV/AIDS, created 300,000 orphans in Rwanda. Many are heads of households who urgently need land-use rights, but a weakened system of guardianship and increasing pressures on land often prevent this.

Interview with Professor Jose Negrao, Hero of Mozambique’s Poor, about the Land Law

Reports & Research
Julio, 2005

Jose Negrao died on 9 July 2005, aged 49. He was one of the most important intellectuals and researchers in Mozambique, was a leading figure in the Land Campaign and a strong defender of peasant land rights. We publish this interview with him in recognition of and in mourning a great and truly independent fighter who did not conform to what others expected but always pursued his own way. He was hugely influential during the Land Campaign and his success then derived from the fact that people trusted his integrity and his independence.

Migrant Domestic Workers: From Burma to Thailand (short version)

Reports & Research
Julio, 2005

Millions of people from Burma have migrated into neighboring countries over the past decade.
Most have left their country in search of security and safety as a direct result of internal conflict
and militarization, severe economic hardship and minority persecution. This exodus represents
one of the largest migration flows in Southeast Asia.
Fearing persecution, the vast majority of those migrating from Burma find themselves desperate
to survive, obtaining work in underground and, often, illegal labor markets. The majority of those

Decree on the Compensation and Resettlement of the Development Project No. 192/PM.

Legislation & Policies
National Policies
Junio, 2005

Article 1 - Objectives: "This decree defines principles, rules, and measures to mitigate adverse social impacts and to compensate damages that result from involuntary acquisition or repossession of land and fixed or movable assets, including change in land use, restriction of access to community or natural resources affecting community livelihood and income sources.

The Human Face of Resource Conflict: Property and Power in Nigeria

Journal Articles & Books
Junio, 2005

This paper considers possible answers to these difficult questions by focusing on two issues: the evolution of legal norms in response to both endogenous and exogenous changes, and the role that African customary law and indigenous dispute resolution has played in promoting coordination and cooperation among group members, thereby reducing violent conflict. This paper explores legislative actions taken by the Nigerian government that impede the continued evolution of these relatively elastic customary legal norms.