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COVID-19, Biodiversity and Climate Change: Indigenous Peoples Defining the Path Forward

Reports & Research
Septiembre, 2020

Indigenous Peoples and local communities manage more than half of the world´s land. These biodiverse ancestral lands are vital to the people who steward them and the planet we all share. But governments only recognize indigenous and community legal ownership of 10 percent of the world´s lands. Secure tenure is essential for safeguarding the existing forests against external forces. This is specifically true for forests managed by Indigenous Peoples, where much of the world’s carbon is stored.

COVID-19, Regulatory Rollback and the ‘Green Recovery’: Indigenous Peoples Raise Their Voices

Reports & Research
Septiembre, 2020

COVID-19 has negatively affected indigenous land rights, particularly for those who already face food insecurity as a result of land confiscation or grabbing and the loss of their territories. Prior to the COVID-19 crisis, the expropriation of indigenous lands and natural resources and the increase in conflicts on their territories were already placing indigenous peoples in a particularly precarious situation. The crisis has led to reports of encroachment upon indigenous land by opportunists, such as illegal loggers and miners.

Could Mapping Initiatives Catalyze the Interpretation of Customary Land Rights in Ways that Secure Women’s Land Rights?

Peer-reviewed publication
Septiembre, 2020
África subsahariana

Although land forms the basis for marginal livelihoods in Sub-Saharan Africa, the asset is more strategic for women as they usually hold derived and dependent rights to land in customary tenure areas. Initiatives to secure women’s land tenure in customary areas are undermined by the social embeddedness of the rights, patriarchy, lack of awareness by the communities, legal pluralism, and challenges of recording the rights.

Improving Governance of Tenure in Policy and Practice: Monitoring in a Space for Multiple Views

Journal Articles & Books
Peer-reviewed publication
Septiembre, 2020
Latin America and the Caribbean

The dynamics of current global challenges—like food and nutrition security, environmental degradation, climate change, and emergencies—reduce the availability of and/or access to natural resources, and thereby underline the urgency of achieving transformational changes in the governance of tenure. This is increasingly required to bring the greatest good to the most people, in line with human rights.

Promoting Responsible Governance of Investments in Land (RGIL) in Ethiopia

Institutional & promotional materials
Septiembre, 2020
Sub-Saharan Africa
Eastern Africa

The “Responsible Governance of Investments in Land” (RGIL) project in Ethiopia aims at ensuring that investments in land are productive, contribute to sustainable land management, and respect the rights and needs of local populations, in particular vulnerable groups and women.

The importance of different land tenure systems for farmers’ response to climate change: A systematic review

Journal Articles & Books
Septiembre, 2020

Climate change increasingly affects agricultural systems, making it necessary for farmers to adapt to changing climatic conditions. An important element shaping farmers’ adaptation decisions and their vulnerability is their respective land tenure system. Especially land tenure security can strongly influence farmers’ incentives for adapting to climate change.

Raising the cost of climate action? Investor-state dispute settlement and compensation for stranded fossil fuel assets

Reports & Research
Septiembre, 2020

Global efforts to combat climate change will require a transition to renewable energy and government action to reduce reliance on fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas. If followed through, such action will create stranded assets – in other words, economic assets affected by premature write-downs or downward revaluations, or converted to liabilities.

LandVoc brochure

Institutional & promotional materials
Agosto, 2020

This brochure provides a brief inroduction to LandVoc, the linked land governance thesaurus.  Logistical as well as technical information are provided. 

The Covid-19 Crisis and Land Governance

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2020

This webinar took stock of the emerging insights on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on land rights and discussed concerns about the expected mid-to-long term impacts on equitable and sustainable land governance.

The discussion built upon previous efforts of the broader land governance community, including the Quick-scan Survey on the COVID-19 crisis by LANDac and the LANDdialogue, insights from the LANDac Professional Learning Programme and the webinar and discussion series ‘Land Rights Implications of COVID-19’ by the Land Portal Foundation and its partners.

Accord UE-Mercosur Risques pour la protection du climat et les droits humains

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2020

Fin juin 2019, la Commission européenne a annoncé avoir conclu un accord de principe en vue d’un accord de libre-échange avec le Mercosur. Ce bloc commercial sud-américain est composé de l’Argentine, du Brésil, du Paraguay et de l’Uruguay. L’accord envisagé est l’un des volets d’un accord d’association plus global. Il est fortement décrié par la société civile et certains gouvernements. La présente publication est proposée par MISEREOR, Greenpeace, la CIDSE, le CCFD-Terre Solidaire et Entraide & Fraternité.

Gobernanza de la Tierra y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sustentable en Argentina

Policy Papers & Briefs
Agosto, 2020

El presente informe fue construido de manera conjunta por las Iniciativas “ODS y Tierra”, “ENI Argentina” y “Land Matrix”. Su objetivo es realizar contribuciones al Estado y a la sociedad en general, para mejorar la implementación de los ODS y sus Metas relacionadas a la Tierra en la República Argentina. Para tal fin, se utilizaron datos extraídos del documento “Trayectoria de las Metas de Tierra de los ODS en Argentina”, estudio encargado por la ENI Argentina a la consultora Dra.