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ICARRD Resources

The International Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development took place in Porto Alegre, Brazil in 2006. A summary Final Report on the conference can be found Here. Attached are the resources, presentations, and papers from the conference.

Second National Conference of Women Farmer 2013

The Second National Conference of Farmer Women was held from 3-5 March, 2013 at Thimura,Chitwan with the participation of 162 women from 48 districts of Nepal. The conference wasorganized with focused discussion on 'Women's Land Ownership and Identity’. The conferencewell speculated the women's issues by announcing the action point. The conference wassuccessful in raising the voice of land-poor and women farmer in the domain of ensuringequitable land rights.

Rapport de synthèse: «L’aspect genre dans le processus de réforme foncière»


Rapport de synthèse: project de recherche conjointe ILC-SIF-Intercoop/SAHA-PNF

Le but de ce projet de recherche conjointe était de renforcer la connaissance thématique sur les groupes vulnérables, particulièrement les femmes, dans la réforme foncière. Les recherches comprenaient des visites sur le terrain pour enquêter de femmes et d’hommes, en groupes et dans ménages spécifiques ainsi que le personnel des guichets fonciers.

Land in Tanzania

- "Land Reform in Tanzania" is a detailed review of the Land and Village Land Acts of 1999.

- "The formalisation process in Tanzania" is a historical perspective on formalisation of land tenure and a critical review of the De Soto programme.

- "The politics of land in Tanzania" is an updated version of my D.Phil. dissertation of the topic. It focuses on the policy making behind land policies, and provides a detailed review of the villagisation exercise, plus case studies on the 1983 Agricultural Policy and the 1995 National Land Policy.

National Forest Plan 2002.

National Policies
África oriental

The Goal of the present cross-sectoral National Forest Plan (NFP) is formulated as follows: “An integrated forest sector that achieves sustainable increases in economic, social and environmental benefits from forests and trees by all the people of Uganda, especially the poor and vulnerable”.The objectives of the NFP are: 1) To raise the incomes and quality of life of poor people through forestry developments, targeting sustainable livelihoods amongst small-scale, mainly rural stakeholders, with strategies based on-farm, in natural forests or off-farm; 2) To increase economic productivity an

Uganda Forestry Policy 2001.

National Policies
África oriental

The overall Vision of the present cross-sectoral Forest Policy is formulated as follows: “A sufficiently forested, ecologically stable and economically prosperous Uganda”. Part 2 concerns Guiding Principles for the Forest Sector building on the government's national development priorities of poverty eradication and good governance.

Forestry Strategy to the Year 2020.

National Policies
Asia sudoriental

The Vision of the present cross-sectoral Forestry Strategy 2020 (FS2020) establishes that by 2020, the Government of the Lao PDR envisages a sizeable, vigorous and robust forestry sector continuing in its role as one of the leading sectors advancing national socio-economic development. A sector in which scientifically-managed natural production forests generate timber and non-timber products at sustainable levels with village participation, under supervision and technical support from well-staffed, well-trained local and national government units.

Plan Bicentenario: el Perú hacia el 2021.

América del Sur

El Plan Bicentenario: El Perú hacia el 2021 es un plan multisectorial de largo plazo que contiene las políticas nacionales de desarrollo que deberá seguir el Perú en los próximos diez años y cuyo objetivo primordial es mejorar la calidad de vida de toda la ciudadanía. La visión de futuro contemplada por el documento refiere a una sociedad democrática en la que prevalezca el Estado de derecho y en la que todos los habitantes tengan una alta calidad de vida e iguales oportunidades para desarrollar su máximo potencial como seres humanos.

Decreto Nº 37.623/PLAN/MINAET/MIVAH - Oficializa la Política Nacional de Ordenamiento Territorial 2012-2040.

Costa Rica
América central

El presente Decreto oficializa, para efectos de aplicación obligatoria, la Política Nacional de Ordenamiento Territorial 2012-2040 (PNOT), que busca integrar un marco de objetivos comunes entre una serie de actores institucionales y al mismo tiempo, constituir una guía para la planificación estratégica del territorio costarricense. El ordenamiento territorial es la expresión espacial de las políticas sociales, ambientales y económicas.