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La question de l’accès des jeunes à la terre : Élément pour mieux concevoir et suivre les interventions et les politiques de développement rural dans la durée

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2019

Cet ouvrage « La question de l’accès des jeunes à la terre : Élément pour mieux concevoir et suivre les interventions et les politiques de développement rural dans la durée » est l’aboutissement d’une réflexion collective sur l’accès des jeunes à la terre et les dynamiques d’évolution des structures agraires engagée par le Comité techniquement « Foncier et développement ». Ce chantier a été animé entre 2017 et 2019 par une équipe d’AGTER et de Scafr-Terres d’Europe, en coordination avec le secrétariat scientifique du CTFD.

Informal Land Delivery and Tenure Security Institutions in Benin City, Nigeria

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2019

The informal sector in urban land supply has continued to meet the increasing demand for urban land owing to the deficiencies of the formal sector in Nigeria. But tenure security and equity in land supply have become the major issues that have evoked much concern in the sector. This article seeks to understand the provisions of tenure rights through customary institutions not as the binary opposite of the formal land titling but as a part of the continuum that includes the formal system in Benin City.

Development of a Landmark Land Use and Management Framework for Liberia

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2019

In October 2016 the Liberia Land Authority (LLA|) was legislated as the Nation’s first one-stop-shop for land management and administration. The LLA has the statutory mandate to administer land administration across the nation. The Authority is charged with supporting the development of a National Land Use and Management Agenda.

Empowerment of youth through strengthening their land rights knowledge and research capacity: evidence from Eastern and Southern Africa

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2019

Africa is a continent of youth. However, its high rates of youth unemployment linked to high levels of landlessness suggest a close correlation with youth poverty and access to land. This paper presents the perspective of an approach for capacitating youth through research on land and natural resource tenure in Eastern and Southern Africa.

Women’s Access to Land and Security of Tenure post 2013 Constitution in Zimbabwe

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2019

Rural women’s livelihoods in Africa are dependent on their rights and entitlement to land as well as security of tenure. Equally important is how land laws and land governance systems shape and reshape women’s access to land and tenure security. As such, this paper focuses on women’s access to land and tenure security after the adoption of a new Constitution in 2013 and Statutory Instrument 53 of 2014 in Zimbabwe. Whereas both legal instruments are progressive and guarantee women’s rights to property, their realization is shrouded in complexities and contradictions.

Community Guide to the International Finance Corporation: An action resource for people affected by IFC-funded projects

Manuals & Guidelines
Diciembre, 2019

This guide is written for communities who face negative impacts from IFC-supported projects. It explains what the IFC is and how it provides financial and other support to businesses, including intermediary banks and funds. The guide explains what the IFC Environmental and Social Performance Standards are and who is responsible for implementing them and making sure they are respected on the ground.

Evaluating Spatial Data Acquisition and Management Techniques for Multipurpose Cadastre in Ethiopia and Rwanda (Preliminary Results)

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2019

Spatial data are a basis in development of multipurpose cadastre. This paper aims to evaluate spatial data acquisition and management techniques for multipurpose cadastre in Ethiopia and Rwanda. The research was conducted using a qualitative research method, a review of existing literature on spatial data acquisition and management techniques for cadastral purposes. The empirical data have also been collected.

SNE Albanie: bonnes pratiques d’une plateforme multipartite

Manuals & Guidelines
Diciembre, 2019

La SNE Albanie est appuyée par des OSC, des députés, des établissements universitaires, la Banque mondiale et l’Agence suédoise de coopération internationale pour le développement. Le gouvernement la considère comme un point de référence crédible et digne de confiance, qu’il est possible de consulter sur les questions de gouvernance foncière et forestière. Comment la SNE Albanie y est-elle parvenue ?

Impacts of Resettlement on Women’s Land Tenure Security

Diciembre, 2019

Impacts of Resettlement on Women’s Land Tenure Security

This paper seeks to assess the effectiveness of the existing legal framework to protect women’s land rights in the face of hydro power-driven resettlement in Laos PDR. Specifically, it seeks to answer the research question, "In Laos, how effective are the resettlement, land laws and policies and related safeguards at ensuring gender-equitable results?”

The Role of Changing Housing Policies in Housing Affordability and Accessibility in Developing Countries: The Case of Kenya.

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2019

Rapid urbanization has led to the influx of people into urban areas as people seek better life opportunities This migration has however largely not been planned resulting in population explosions in the cities Relying on existing research on the topic and government reports this study finds that many middle and lowincome families in Kenya have ended up living in informal settlements in urban areas due to housing unaffordability The study further determines that the problem of housing is more pronounced in developing countries Studies related to this issue establish that the housing crisis c