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Law in the natural resource squeeze: ‘land grabbing’, investment treaties and human rights

Reports & Research
Octubre, 2016

Discusses highlights from a recent academic article exploring whether 3,000 bilateral and regional investment treaties protect ‘land grab’ deals and how these impact the land rights of rural people. Argues that, if not properly thought through, international treaties to protect foreign investment could compound shortcomings of local and national governance, undermining the rights of people impacted by the investments.

Charter of Demands: Actualizing Women’s Land Rights in Africa

Reports & Research
Octubre, 2016

The Kilimanjaro Initiative is a rural women’s mobilisation from across Africa towards an iconic moment at the foot of Mt Kilimanjaro in October 2016. Objectives include raising awareness on existing frameworks and safeguards around large scale land based initiatives and demand for their application in securing legitimate tenure rights of rural women in Africa. Presents a charter of demands and recommendations.

From global rights to local practices : fostering participation at the micro-level in Latin America - final technical report

Reports & Research
Octubre, 2016
South America
Central America

The project aims to create actionable policy proposals to make spaces of participation more effective in five countries in Latin America, and to contribute to the needs of existing social movements within their local contexts. Currently the study is mapping specific effects of implementation of participatory reforms on the distribution of power and resources in communities, the pathways through which such effects are produced, the accountability of domestic decision-makers, and impacts on successive iterations of legal reform.

Smallholders’ Land Access in Sub-Saharan Africa

Reports & Research
Journal Articles & Books
Octubre, 2016
África subsahariana

While scholars long recognized the importance of land markets as a key driver of rural non-farm development and transformation in rural areas, evidence on the extent of their operation and the nature of participants remains limited. We use household data from 6 countries to show that there is great potential for such markets to increase productivity and equalize factor ratios. While rental markets transfer land to land-poor and labor-rich producers, their operation and thus impact may be constrained by policy restrictions.

Climate Benefits, Tenure Costs

Reports & Research
Septiembre, 2016
South America

A new report offers evidence that the modest investments needed to secure land rights for indigenous communities will generate billions in returns—economically, socially and environmentally—for local communities and the world’s changing climate. The report, Climate Benefits, Tenure Costs: The Economic Case for Securing Indigenous Land Rights, quantifies for the first time the economic value of securing land rights for the communities who live in and protect forests, with a focus on Colombia, Brazil, and Bolivia.


The risks of defending human rights

Reports & Research
Septiembre, 2016
América Latina y el Caribe

Oxfam is deeply concerned about the worsening levels of violence, murder and repression against the men and women defending human rights in Latin America. This situation is linked to an economic model that fosters extreme inequality and has a negative impact on people’s basic rights.

It is the result of harassment entrenched in a patriarchal culture, and governments' failure to fulfil their human rights obligations –and the influence of powerful groups on governments that limits their role as guarantors of human rights for their citizens.

When Oil, Gas or Mining Arrives in Your Area: Practical Guide for Communities, Civil Society and Local Government on the Social Aspects of Oil, Gas and Mining

Manuals & Guidelines
Septiembre, 2016

This guide aims to help local organisations, communities and governments to carry out constructive, peaceful engagement and negotiation with companies and government, with the aim of achieving sustainable development and improved quality of life. Its main objectives are:

RISD’s intervention in pro-poor land policy implementation in Rwanda

Reports & Research
Septiembre, 2016

Impact of an intervention by the Rwanda Initiative for Sustainable Development (RISD) in contributing to the implementation of pro-poor and equitable land policies. Through evidence-based awareness raising efforts, dialogue, advocacy and networking, RISD was able to influence policy implementation and promote the land rights of poor and vulnerable groups, including women. 

Nomadic Custodians. A Case for Securing Pastoralist Land Rights

Reports & Research
Septiembre, 2016

A brief on the need to secure land rights for the world’s pastoralists, who manage rangelands that cover a quarter of the world’s land surface but have few advocates. Covers the different paths pastoralists take; resource scarcity in the face of uncertainty; pastoralism and land use; loss and fragmentation of pastoralist lands and blocking of livestock routes; managing climatic variability and climate change; initiatives for securing pastoralists rights to land (Niger, Tanzania, India, Ethiopia).