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The Assam Hill Land and Ecological Sites (Protection and Management) Act, 2006 Complete Act - Bare Act

Legislation & Policies
Diciembre, 2006

An Act to provide for preservation, protection, regulation, acquisition, and maintenance of Hill land and other ecological sites of the State and more specifically within the jurisdiction of the Guwahati Municipal Corporation and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto Whereas it is expedient to provide for preservation, protection, regulation and maintenance of Hill land and other ecological sites of the State and more specifically within the jurisdiction of the Guwahati Municipal Corporation and to protect the said hill land and ecological sites from unaut

Forest law and sustainable development: addressing contemporary challenges through legal reform

Diciembre, 2006

Thinking about forest management has undergone important changes over the last two decades. These changes have inspired attention to the reform of forest laws on a range of subjects, from forest planning and utilization to governance and trade. From its traditional narrow focus on government control and management of forests, modern forest law has expanded to encompass attention to environmental and social goals and to accommodating the interests of multiple stakeholders in forest management.

Adil gender: mengungkap realitas perempuan Jambi

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 2006

In recent years, the term ‘gender’ has become a hot discussion topic in various forums and media. Many development sectors require gender analysis as a component of a program’s implementation. However, even today, many people still equate gender with sex or even, as a narrower definition, with women. This is particularly true in regions, where gender has not yet commonly been discussed, such as Bungo and Tanjung Jabung Barat (Tanjabbar) districts, Jambi.

Biodiversity in a Batak village of Palawan (Philippines): a multidisciplinary assessment of local perceptions and priorities

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2006

This report identifies which resources and landscapes are important to the Batak people. It also documents their perceptions and priorities regarding forest management. By playing close attention to the Bataks’ perspectives, the “Levelling the Playing Field” project (LPF) is able to better understand their opinions and hopes for the present and future use of their natural resources.

Comparison of local government’s policies on Kutai and Dayak Benuaq villages in Kutai Barat, Indonesia: factors influencing village life and household well-being since decentralization

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2006

This case study report examines relevant factors influencing village life and household well-being since decentralization has been practiced in local government of Kutai in Indonesia. The principal aim is to understand the impacts of these processes and to compare local government’s policies on Kutai and Dayak Benuaq villages. This report looks on changes that had taken place in Jambuq and Jerang Melayu villages since the new district of Kutai Barat was established in 1999.

Decentralization of forest administration in Indonesia: implications for forest sustainability, economic development and community livelihoods

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2006

Since the collapse of Soeharto’s New Order regime in May 1998, Indonesia’s national, provincial, and district governments have engaged in an intense struggle over how authority and the power embedded in it, should be shared. How this ongoing struggle over authority in the forestry sector will ultimately play out is of considerable significance due to the important role that Indonesia’s forests play in supporting rural livelihoods, generating economic revenues, and providing environmental services.

Forests and human health: assessing the evidence

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2006

This study has two central concerns: the state of human health in forests, and the causal links between forests and human health. Within this framework, we consider four issues related to tropical forests and human health. First, we discuss forest foods, emphasizing the forest as a food-producing habitat, human dependence on forest foods, the nutritional contributions of such foods, and nutrition-related problems that affect forest peoples. Our second topic is disease and other health problems.

Gender equity: revealing the reality for the women of Jambi

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 2006

In recent years, the term ‘gender’ has become a hot discussion topic in various forums and media. Many development sectors require gender analysis as a component of a program’s implementation. However, even today, many people still equate gender with sex or even, as a narrower definition, with women. This is particularly true in regions, where gender has not yet commonly been discussed, such as Bungo and Tanjung Jabung Barat (Tanjabbar) districts, Jambi.