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Aeolian processes and landscape change under human disturbances on the Sonid grassland of inner Mongolian Plateau, northern China

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2014

Based on remote sensing monitoring, observations and experiments in wind tunnel and field, aeolian processes and landscape change of the Sonid grassland of Inner Mongolia Plateau in northern China were explored in this paper. Aeolian process was very strong and seriously affected by human disturbances on the Sonid grassland of Inner Mongolia Plateau. Sand transport rate of grassland increased quickly with the increase of desertification severities, especially at the very severe desertification stage of sand sheet emergence.

Des prairies toujours entretenues par les élevages allaitants extensifs... Quelques enseignements

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2014

Permanently maintained pastures in France are often located in less desirable areas of the country and are extensively used for grass based farming, dairy farming an mountainous regions), and suckler farming (cattle and sheep, down into the valleys). These production systems are of interest because they employ practices respectful of the environment and local biodiversity. We conducted observations of 73 cattle suckler farms (12 of which use organic agriculture) located in the Massif Central.

Soil Moisture Active Passive Experiments (SMAPEx): Toward Soil Moisture Retrieval From the SMAP Mission

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2014

NASA's Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission will carry the first combined spaceborne L-band radiometer and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) system with the objective of mapping near-surface soil moisture and freeze/thaw state globally every 2-3 days. SMAP will provide three soil moisture products: i) high-resolution from radar (~3 km), ii) low-resolution from radiometer (~36 km), and iii) intermediate-resolution from the fusion of radar and radiometer (~9 km).

Using Social Media to Discover Public Values, Interests, and Perceptions about Cattle Grazing on Park Lands

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2014
Estados Unidos de América

In the western United States, livestock grazing often co-exists with recreation, cultural resource management and biodiversity protection on federal and state protected rangelands as well as on many local government open space areas. While the value of livestock grazing for managing rangeland vegetation to reduce fire fuel loads and improve wildlife habitat is increasingly recognized by resource management professionals, public concerns, and conflict between recreationist and livestock have led to reductions in public land grazing.

Resting pastures to improve land condition in northern Australia: guidelines based on the literature and simulation modelling

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2014

Pasture rest is a possible strategy for improving land condition in the extensive grazing lands of northern Australia. If pastures currently in poor condition could be improved, then overall animal productivity and the sustainability of grazing could be increased. The scientific literature is examined to assess the strength of the experimental information to support and guide the use of pasture rest, and simulation modelling is undertaken to extend this information to a broader range of resting practices, growing conditions and initial pasture condition.

Land usage classification: a hierarchical neural network approach

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2014

The classification of land usage in mountain grassland bovine areas is important for the management of forage production and grazing in grass-based livestock systems. The present paper proposes a novel, hierarchical neural network-based approach towards the classification of land usage in these areas. A survey of 72 farms was conducted in the Massif Central (France). Information was gathered on geographical characteristics and cutting and/or grazing practices on three general groups of fields: cut only, cut and grazed and grazed only fields.

Effects of grazing exclusion on soil carbon and nitrogen storage in semi-arid grassland in Inner Mongolia, China

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2014

The semi-arid grasslands in Inner Mongolia, China have been degraded by long-term grazing. A series of ecological restoration strategies have been implemented to improve grassland service. However, little is known about the effect of these ecological restoration practices on soil carbon and nitrogen storage.

Mapping and modelling the effects of land use and land management change on ecosystem services from local ecosystems and landscapes to global biomes

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2014
África austral

Herstel en duurzaam beheer van biodiversiteit en ecosysteemdiensten worden steeds meer geïntegreerd in nationaal en internationaal beleid. In dit proefschrift wordt een methodologie ontwikkeld voor de kwantificering van effecten van landmanagement op de ruimtelijke verspreiding van ecosysteemdiensten, zodat de door landmanagement veroorzaakte trade-offs tussen ecosysteemdiensten bepaald kunnen worden voor zowel lokale ecosystemen en landschappen als regionale en mondiale biomen. Een groot aantal ecosysteemdiensten zijn bestudeerd.

Securing Communal Land Tenure in Northern Tanzania Using Certificates of Customary Right of Occupancy

Policy Papers & Briefs
Noviembre, 2014

Communal lands are central to the livelihoods of many Tanzanians, particularly to pastoralists and hunter-gatherer groups. But a number of factors can undermine the security of these lands remaining ‘communal,’ in turn threatening the livelihoods of many people and cultures. This brief sets out a new mechanism for strengthening community land rights by securing local tenure through acquiring a Certificate of Customary Right of Occupancy (CCRO).

Conservation and “Land Grabbing” in Rangelands: Part of the Problem or Part of the Solution?

Peer-reviewed publication
Septiembre, 2014

Large-scale land acquisitions have increased in scale and pace due to changes in commodity markets, agricultural investment strategies, land prices, and a range of other policy and market forces. The areas most affected are the global “commons” – lands that local people traditionally use collectively — including much of the world’s forests, wetlands, and rangelands. In some cases land acquisition occurs with environmental objectives in sight – including the setting aside of land as protected areas for biodiversity conservation.

The Inter-linkages between Rapid Growth in Livestock Production, Climate Change, and the Impacts on Water Resources, Land Use, and Deforestation

Septiembre, 2014

Livestock systems globally are changing
rapidly in response to human population growth,
urbanization, and growing incomes. This paper discusses the
linkages between burgeoning demand for livestock products,
growth in livestock production, and the impacts this may
have on natural resources, and how these may both affect and
be affected by climate change in the coming decades. Water
and land scarcity will increasingly have the potential to