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Displaying 913 - 924 of 2002

Useful insights from evolutionary biology for developing perennial grain crops1

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2014

Annual grain crops dominate agricultural landscapes and provide the majority of calories consumed by humanity. Perennial grain crops could potentially ameliorate the land degradation and off-site impacts associated with annual grain cropping. However, herbaceous perennial plants with constitutively high allocation to harvestable seeds are rare to absent in nature. Recent trade-off theory models suggest that rugged fitness landscapes may explain the absence of this form better than sink competition models.

Experience in testing and adapting the LADA methodology for land degradation assessment and mapping in arid regions at the local level

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2014

The LADA methodology (land degradation assessment in drylands) is first used to assess land degradation at the local level for test sites in Russia. The results of the tested methodology are in general positive and, at the same time, indicate the need to adapt it for the assessment of erosion processes, the detailing of mapping categories, and the use of the soil alkalinity indicator. The corresponding recommendations are suggested.

role of tree domestication in green market product value chain development

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2014

Internationally, there is interest in increasing the trade in ‘green’ market products, such as organic, fair trade, reduction of deforestation and forest degradation/reduction of deforestation and forest degradation+ for reduced deforestation and mitigation of climate change, and environmental goods and services. This crucially needs to be extended to the many poor, hungry and marginalized smallholder farmers in developing countries.


Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2014

Investigations were made of plant and soil responses to severe degradation through heavy grazing and browsing in arid, succulent, subtropical thicket. Severe degradation of thicket is of major concern in terms of threatened biodiversity, unsustainable utilization and collapse of other ecosystem services. We used a natural, field contrast, case‐study approach, sampling within plots under lightly and heavily stocked conditions.


Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2014

Hydrological extremes are major weather related disasters, but little is known about their long‐term patterns in the context of environmental change. Better understanding of damaging rainfall (e.g. rainfall‐erosivity events) occurring at different time‐scales has important implications for hydrological and land degradation management. The study of the interdecadal variations may help in understanding some of the consequences of abrupt environmental changes over long time periods.


Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2014

Grazing has been identified as the main cause of land degradation in Patagonia. However, land degradation is highly variable among areas, even within the same paddock. This strongly suggests that different plant communities differ in their resistance to land degradation. In this study, we have evaluated soil erosion at both microsite and community scales in coexisting plant communities subject to sheep grazing in northeastern Patagonia. Three plant communities coexist in the area: two shrub steppes dominated by Chuquiraga avellanedae Lorentz and Nassauvia ulicina (Hook.

Geospatial comparison of four models to predict soil erodibility in a semi-arid region of Central India

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2014

The soil erodibility factor of RUSLE is one of the important indicators of land degradation. It can be measured either directly under natural or simulated rainfall condition or indirectly estimated by empirical models. A geospatial variation of this factor is essential for prioritization of reclamation measures. However, geospatial upscaling of soil erodibility factor is very uncertain because of its dynamic nature and dependent on the parameters used in the model.

Exploration of Scenarios to Support Sustainable Land Management Using Integrated Environmental Socio-economic Models

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2014

Scenario analysis constitutes a valuable deployment method for scientific models to inform environmental decision-making, particularly for evaluating land degradation mitigation options, which are rarely based on formal analysis. In this paper we demonstrate such an assessment using the PESERA–DESMICE modeling framework with various scenarios for 13 global land degradation hotspots.

Participatory Evaluation of Monitoring and Modeling of Sustainable Land Management Technologies in Areas Prone to Land Degradation

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2014

Examples of sustainable land management (SLM) exist throughout the world. In many cases, SLM has largely evolved through local traditional practices and incremental experimentation rather than being adopted on the basis of scientific evidence. This means that SLM technologies are often only adopted across small areas. The DESIRE (DESertIfication mitigation and REmediation of degraded land) project combined local traditional knowledge on SLM with empirical evaluation of SLM technologies.

Evaluation and Selection of Indicators for Land Degradation and Desertification Monitoring: Types of Degradation, Causes, and Implications for Management

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2014

Indicator-based approaches are often used to monitor land degradation and desertification from the global to the very local scale. However, there is still little agreement on which indicators may best reflect both status and trends of these phenomena. In this study, various processes of land degradation and desertification have been analyzed in 17 study sites around the world using a wide set of biophysical and socioeconomic indicators.

Comparative analysis of policies to deal with wildfire risk

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2014

Fires are the main driver of land degradation in forest areas in Mediterranean sub‐humid regions and are likely to increase as a result of climate and other global changes. To prevent deleterious processes induced by fire, several policies and strategies have been implemented at national and regional scales. We perform a comparative study of policies and strategies of Portuguese and Spanish (Comunitat Valenciana) cases in order to assess the differences between them and identify their roles in forest fire prevention and in combating and mitigating impacts.