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Displaying 985 - 996 of 2002

Managing Risks in Rural Senegal : A Multi-Sectoral Review of Efforts to Reduce Vulnerability

Agosto, 2014

The main objective of the study is to
provide the Government of Senegal the analyses and
information to implement policies towards reducing the rural
poor's vulnerability. While during the latest years,
economic growth reduced poverty in the country, this has
been less noticeable among the rural population, who
actually account for 6 million people over a total
population of 10 million. The rural economy remains

Armenia : Sustainable and Strategic Decision Making in Mining

Julio, 2014

This paper aims to inform Armenia's
policy dialogue on environmental and social issues in the
mining sector. The paper is based on the premise that for
the mining sector to have positive, long-term impacts in
Armenia, it is necessary to take into consideration the
short- and long-term environmental and social impacts of the
sector and to promote strategic planning and efficient
management of natural resources. The mining sector in

Impacts of Climate Change on Brazilian Agriculture

Junio, 2014

This report evaluates the requirements
for an assessment of climate change impacts on agriculture
to guide policy makers on investment priorities and phasing.
Because agriculture is vital for national food security and
is a strong contributor to Brazil's GDP growth, there
is growing concern that Brazilian agriculture is
increasingly vulnerable to climate variability and change.
To meet national development, food security, climate

Rebuilding soil natural capital

Journal Articles & Books
Mayo, 2014

Throughout the world, demands on finite soil resources are ever increasing, and can lead to irreversible soil degradation, as the soil is used beyond its “bio-capacity”. A quarter of the inhabitated land area has already been affected by human-induced soil degradation. Against this background, soil remediaton is becoming more and more important. Focusing on the rehabilitation of oil-contaminated soil in Kuwait, the following article shows how it works, and where the problems lie

Mainstreaming Environment and Climate Change in the Implementation of Poverty Reduction Strategies

Mayo, 2014

Poverty reduction strategies (PRSs)
provide a central framework for macroeconomic, structural,
and social policies in developing countries. Because of the
numerous and complex links between environment and poverty,
it is important that environmental issues are taken into
account in the PRS process. This paper follows six previous
assessments of the degree of mainstreaming environment in
the PRS process using a similar methodology to present

Transitioning to Climate Resilient Development : Perspectives from Communities in Peru

Mayo, 2014

The livelihoods of communities in rural
areas of Peru are predominantly dependent on
climate-sensitive sectors such as agriculture. Given their
close connection with the environment, the understanding of
how these communities perceive risks and how they adapt to
and cope with climate hazards is important for identifying
entry points for efforts aimed at building resilience. In
this context, it is assumed that the successful use of

Strengthening Policy Dialogue on Environment : Learning from Five Years of Country Environmental Analysis

Mayo, 2014

The objective of this paper is to review
experience with completed country environmental analysis
(CEAs) to improve the effectiveness of CEAs as a strategic
analytical tool. Through in-depth analysis of the process,
methodologies, costs, and results of completed CEA pilots,
the paper assesses how effective CEAs have been in informing
and providing strategic guidance to the Bank and client
countries on environment-development issues and the extent