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Performance of exclosure in restoring soil fertility: A case of Gubalafto district in North Wello Zone, northern highlands of Ethiopia

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2013

Inappropriate agricultural practices and conversion of marginal land to cultivation and grazing have led to severe land degradation in the Ethiopian highlands. Consequently, the government has invested substantial resources in soil and water conservation (SWC). One of such interventions was exclosure, which was aimed restoring biodiversity, biomass and soil fertility. The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of exclosures on soil fertility restoration and examine its variability across age, agro-ecology and landscape position.

Collective management on communal grazing lands: Its impact on vegetation attributes and soil erosion in the upper Blue Nile basin, northwestern Ethiopia

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2013

Collective action, on communal grazing land, has evolved in the highlands of northwestern Ethiopia to mitigate the problems of feed shortage and land degradation due to overgrazing. The exercise is liked by farmers for improving the availability of natural pasture during the long dry season when other feed sources get depleted. However, large portions of the communal grazing lands are still managed under free grazing throughout the year.

Agrobiodiversity for food security, health and income

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2013

By the year 2050, agriculture will have to provide the food and nutrition requirements of some 9 billion people. Moreover, to maintain that level of productivity indefinitely it must do so using environmentally sustainable production systems. This task will be profoundly complicated by the effects of climate change, increasing competition for water resources and loss of productive lands.

Soil degradation and food security coupled with global climate change in northeastern China

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2013

The northeastern China is an important commodity grain region in China, as well as a notable corn belt and major soybean producing area. It thus plays a significant role in the national food security system. However, large-scale land reclamation and non-optimum farming practices give rise to soil degradation in the region. This study analyzed the food security issues coupled with global climate change in the northeastern China during 1980–2000, which is the period of modern agriculture.

impact of mediterranean land degradation on agricultural income: A short-term scenario

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2013

The present study estimates the potential costs of land degradation (LD) in agriculture at the national scale in Italy during 2000–2006 and provides a medium-term scenario for 2015 based on changes in climate conditions and human pressure. According to the user cost approach, a depletion factor (S) to agricultural income has been derived from the observed changes in a composite index of land sensitivity to degradation. Based on S figures, the investigated area has been classified into five risk categories from ‘negligible’ to ‘high’.

Fifty years of herpetological research in the Namib Desert and Namibia with an updated and annotated species checklist

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2013

Namibia is mostly an arid and semi-arid country with a high number of reptile and fewer amphibian species. We review the herpetological literature dealing with Namibian species over the past fifty years, and provide up-to-date amphibian and reptile accounts using a widely accepted taxonomy and nomenclature. We critically discuss species accounts, draw attention to the historical development of species inventories for the country, and indicate species endemism for Namibia and the Namib Desert.

Object-based identification of vegetation cover decline in irrigated agro-ecosystems in Uzbekistan

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2013
Asia central

The sustainability of irrigated croplands in Central Asia is threatened by degradation of their productive function. To quantify the extent of the cropland degradation, this paper combines object-based change detection and spectral mixture analysis for vegetation cover decline mapping in irrigated agro-ecosystems in Uzbekistan based on multitemporal Landsat TM images from 1998 to 2009. The results of the change detection reveal that the cadastral field parcels, characterized by vegetation cover decrease, occupied 18% (52,938 ha) of the cropland area.

Estimation of runoff, peak discharge and sediment load at the event scale in a medium-size Mediterranean watershed using the AnnAGNPS model

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2013

Sediment transport in rivers is an indicator of soil eroded from various sediment sources, of which agricultural land can be a significant one, and the intensity of the phenomenon provides a measure of land degradation at a watershed level.

Managing semi-arid woodlands for carbon storage: Grazing and shrub effects on above- and belowground carbon

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2013

Shrub cover has increased in semi-arid regions worldwide. This change has generally been viewed as land degradation, due to shrub-induced declines in pastoral productivity. As a consequence, widespread management treatments to reduce shrub density have been applied in many pastoral areas. These treatments, however, often do not have long-term positive benefits for forage production.

Responses to climate change and farming policies by rural communities in northern China: A report on field observation and farmers’ perception in dryland north Shaanxi and Ningxia

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2013

To address land degradation and rural poverty the Chinese government has put in place a series of land conversion programmes in the Loess Plateau area in northern China. In addition to problems arising from unsustainable land use, water resource availability driven in part by climatic forcing is also a threat to livelihoods in this region. To understand climate impacts on farming practice in poor areas of China, field observation and village reconnaissance took place in the summer of 2009 in three selected counties of Shaanxi and Ningxia Province, northern China.

Evaluating indicators of land degradation in smallholder farming systems of western Kenya

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2013

Understanding the patterns of land degradation indicators can help to identify areas under threat as basis for designing and implementing site-specific management options. This study sort to identify and assess the patterns of land degradation indicators in selected districts of western Kenya. The study employed the use of Land Degradation Sampling Framework (LDSF) to characterize the sites. LDSF a spatially stratified, random sampling design framework consisting of 10km×10km blocks and clusters of plots.

Environmental degradation assessment in arid areas: a case study from Basra Province, southern Iraq

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2013

Evaluation of recent land degradation affecting Basra Province, Iraq, resulted in the identification of five prominent environmental degradation processes: desertification, secondary salinization, urbanization, vegetation degradation, and loss of wetlands.