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Ministerial Decree No. 273 validating the Regulation on supervision over land use planning.

Europa oriental

This Ministerial Decree establishes the modalities of organization and carrying out supervision over land use planning. The purpose of supervision shall be to enforce the observance technical norms and requirements by legal and natural persons in the process of land use planning.

Coastal Access Reports (Consideration and Modification Procedure) (England) Regulations 2010 (S.I. No. 1976 of 2010).

Reino Unido
Europa septentrional

These Regulations contain procedural provisions in connection with certain reports submitted by Natural England to the Secretary of State under section 51 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 relative to reporting on accessibility of the public to coastal areas.

Implements: Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 (Cap. 23). (2009-12-11)

Law amending the Law on Soil Preservation and Land Utilization and the Law on pastures.

Asia occidental

This Law amends the Law No. 5403 on Soil Preservation and Land Utilization and the Law No. 4342 on pastures.This Law adds two new clauses (f) and (g) to Article. 13 of the Law No. 5403 on the use of agricultural lands other than agricultural purposes. The new clauses set forth agticultural lands may be used for renewable energy production purposes and geothermal greenhouse investments. The Law also repeals Provisional Article. 3 and adds a new provisional article to the above mentioned Law No. 5403. This Law further makes amendments in the Law No. 4342 by adding two new clauses to Article.

Acuerdo Nº 11 - Modifica el Acuerdo Nº 265, sobre el procedimiento para la adjudicación de tierras del Estado y bosques y vegetación protectores.

América del Sur

El presente Acuerdo modifica el Procedimiento para la adjudicación de tierras del patrimonio forestal del Estado y bosques y vegetación protectores, en lo relacionado con la distinción entre las tierras adjudicadas que corresponden al Patrimonio Forestal del Estado, que quedan deslindadas de dicho Patrimonio, y aquellas que corresponden a los bosques y vegetación protectores que cambiarán únicamente de dominio y seguirán formando parte del mismo bosque y vegetación protector.

Ordonnance relative à la gestion des sols pollués (1).

Europa occidental

La présente ordonnance porte la réglementation relative à la gestion des sols pollués. Elle règle la gestion des sols pollués, en vue de garantir la suppression, le contrôle, l'endiguement ou la réduction de la pollution de manière à ce que les sols contaminés, compte tenu de leur utilisation actuelle ou prévue pour l'avenir, ne présentent plus de risque grave pour la santé ou l'environnement.

Government Resolution No. 62/2008 approving the Alvão Natural Park management Plan (POPNAL).

Europa meridional

This Resolution is composed of nine Chapters divided in 42 articles and three Annexes. It approves the Alvão Natural Park Management Plan (POPNAL). The Regulation lays down the management and protection objectives of the Park and classifies the land according to its possible use. Moreover, it defines zoning criteria and identifies the forbidden activities and those that need prior authorization. The Annexes provide the list of the areas falling under special protection regimes and set the criteria to be used for building infrastructure inside the protected area.

Central North Island Forests Land Collective Settlement Act, 2008.

Nueva Zelandia

The purpose of this Act, divided in 3 Parts and 4 Schedules, is to: (a) give effect to the vesting of the Crown forest land described in the first and second columns of Schedule 1 in the company and the transfer of accumulated rentals in relation to that land to the company in order to enable those assets to be allocated to the CNI Iwi Collective in settlement of their historical CNI forests land claims and to any other CNI claimants in settlement of their historical claims; and (b) record the principles and process by which the allocation of the CNI forests land and accumulated rentals is

Forestry Sector Policy.

National Policies
Asia meridional

The Forestry Sector Policy is a national sectoral policy which sets forth long-term, medium-term and short term objectives relating to the sustainable use of forest resources. The long-term objectives of the Policy are: a) to meet the people’s basic needs for forestry products on a sustainable basis; b) to contribute to food production; c) to protect land from degradation; d) to conserve and use biological diversity and genetic resources in a sustainable manner; e) to create opportunities for income generation and employment.

Building Act.

Europa occidental

The present Act regulates the: a) construction, alteration, demolition, maintenance and use of buildings and facilities with the aim to promote the design and development quality in the communities; b) orderly and soil-saving development of the country. The text consists of 103 articles divided into 7 Parts as follows: General provisions (I); Planning rights (II); Building rights (III); Organization and implementation (IV); Legal protection (V); Penalties (VI); Transitional and final provisions (VII).

Land Law (Law No. 01/97 NA).

Asia sudoriental

An Act to make provision for ownership of land and related matters such as land registration, and the management and use of various types of land, including forestry and agricultural land.The text consists of 86 articles divided into 8 Chapters: General provisions (I); Land management and land registration (II); Rights and obligations of the land user (III); Control of land use (IV); Settlement of land problems, policy towards the persons having good performance and measures against violators (V); Final provisions (VI).Land is in ownership of the "national community" (art. 3).