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Land Titles, Investment, and Agricultural Productivity in Madagascar : A Poverty and Social Impact Analysis

Marzo, 2013

This report examines the question of
land titling in Madagascar, a country where modern and
informal tenure systems coexist and overlap to a significant
extent. The report reviews three main arguments for land
titling and their relevance for Madagascar in order to
provide policy implications and evaluations. The first is
that land titling serves as protection against
expropriation. Second, titles may also facilitate land

Land Policy Dialogues : Addressing Urban-Rural Synergies in World Bank Facilitated Dialogues in the Last Decade

Marzo, 2013

Land policy, administration and
management are areas of strong client demand for technical
advice and operational support. This review sought to help
the Bank better position itself to present coherent advice
on policy, institutional arrangements and practice. The
potential implications are a lowering of reputational risk
to the Bank; greater efficiency in the process including
joint data gathering; and building of greater momentum and

The Evolving Role of World Bank Urban Shelter Projects : Addressing Land Market and Economy-wide Constraints

Marzo, 2013

The purpose of this study was to augment
the Bank's research on land markets and investigate key
land market issues in four case study cities in South and
East Asia. From the study results, the consultants have
attempted to determine whether or not certain policy
instruments can be adopted in the respective cities and in
other regions of the world. Ultimately the study, in tracing
the role of various land development policies in these

China Small and Medium Towns Overview

Marzo, 2013

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate
substantially exceeded China's population growth, which
averaged 1.4 percent annually between 1978 and 2009, and
real GDP per capita accordingly grew at 8.6 percent annually
during this period. China's urban population resides
primarily in city districts (shiqu) and town districts
(zhenqu), which constitute the urban core of larger
administrative units called cities (shi) and respectively

Niger - Rural Financial Services : Expanding Financial Access to the Rural Poor

Marzo, 2013

The main objective of this study is to
identify the major impediments to access to financial
services in rural areas, and provide practical
recommendations to address the identified problems. The
study aims to inform on rural finance policies and
innovative instruments by examining both supply and demand
sides including an identification of non-financial issues
that restrict development of the rural financial sector.

Strengthening Quality, Growth, and Performance in Agriculture Finance : Lessons from India

Marzo, 2013

This report presents the key message,
lessons, and insights from agrifin's first knowledge
exchange event, held in Hyderabad, India, March 7-12, 2011.
Agrifin is a special initiative aimed at building capacity
in agriculture finance for commercially-oriented
smallholders and small and medium enterprise (SME)
agribusiness market segments. The initiative, managed by the
World Bank, through generous support from the bill and

Lesotho Post-Disaster Needs Assessment : Heavy Rains 2010-11

Marzo, 2013

The Kingdom of Lesotho is a land-locked
nation located in the Drakensberg mountain range in Southern
Africa. The country has a total area of 30355 km² and in
2009 had an estimated population of nearly 2.1 million, with
nominal per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of US$ 1080
(in 2010). About 75 percent live in rural areas, often in
scattered mountain villages, while most of the urban
population lives in and around the capital Maseru and the

Municipal ICT Capacity and its Impact on the Climate-Change Affected Urban Poor : The Case of Mozambique

Marzo, 2013

The objective of conducting this case
study on Mozambique is to uncover the pattern of municipal
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) impact that
may exist in other low-capacity countries with analogous
political economy structures in relation to leveraging ICT
in public sectors. The study concludes by suggesting
measures to link the continent's ICT boom in
citizen-based mobile telephony and internet usage with the

Russia : Reshaping Economic Geography

Marzo, 2013

The report has three main chapters
discussing modernization, diversification and
competitiveness. The chapters examine problems and barriers
facing households, private firms and public agencies to
achieving these objectives, and then identify the
instruments that can help Russia achieve the necessary
spatial transformation of its economy. Russia's long
history as one of Europe's leading nations, and its

Involuntary Resettlement in Brazil : A Review of Policies and Practices

Marzo, 2013

The objective of this review of
resettlement policy and implementation in Brazil, is to
identify ongoing good practices, as well as areas for
further improvement. It draws upon an assessment of the
Brazilian legal and institutional framework related to land
acquisition for projects in the public interest, a rapid
evaluation of the resettlement programs in six projects
(three projects that received Bank financing and three

Strategic Reorientation of the Housing Provident Fund System in the People's Republic of China

Marzo, 2013

The objective of this report is to
respond to the request of the Ministry of Housing and
Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD), to assess the Housing
Provident Fund (HPF) system, and provide recommendations on
its positioning, strategy and future role in the overall
housing policy. The report focuses on a strategic review of
the HPF system and its strategy, mission, and operational
structure, and then analyses the market in which the

A Review of Selected Hydrology Topics to Support Bank Operations

Marzo, 2013

The World Bank's 2004 Water
Resources Sector Strategy focused on the need for both water
resources management and development in dealing with growth
and poverty alleviation. Planning and design of new
hydraulic infrastructure for water supply and sanitation,
food production, hydropower generation, flood protection,
ecosystem restoration or other such purposes require dealing
with all elements in the interaction among land, water,