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Legislation & Policies
Febrero, 2019

The UN Framework for Action in this Note helps to identify potential entry points to integrate land in conflict analyses, planning and assessment processes, supports engagement of UN leadership and outlines key activities to consider in areas of UN work - such as support to peace agreements and mediation, human rights, gender equality, rule of law and governance. This Note provides guidance on partnership and the use of practical tools for analysis, coordination and programming.

Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights

Training Resources & Tools
Febrero, 2019

This set of Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPs) have been developed to help any company looking to ensure their operations are undertaken in a manner that safeguards respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. The tools, accompanied by easy-to-use, step-by-step guides help companies:

• Reduce production delays

• Maintain “Social License to Operate”

• Gain access to financing • Lessen litigation risk

• Maintain/enhance company reputation

• Operate successfully in complex business environments

Good Practice Guide to Indigenous Peoples and Mining

Training Resources & Tools
Febrero, 2019

This guide and its practical tools help companies:

• Recognise and respect that Indigenous Peoples have distinct rights and interests

• Understand that through law and/or custom, Indigenous People often have a special relationship to the land, territories and resources

• Utilise forms of engagements that are sensitive to cultural characteristics eg governance structures, interaction and decision making

Emerging Corporate and Investor Practice to Support Community Land Rights. Case Studies from Malawi, Mozambique, and Malaysia

Reports & Research
Febrero, 2019

This report aims to illustrate how selected companies in Malawi, Mozambique and Malaysia are implementing commitments to international best practices on land rights. The companies referenced in this paper are in the process of developing and improving ways to address land tenure rights, and for this reason, the cases ought to be viewed as examples of emerging company experiences, which can contribute to establishing best practices.

Socially responsible land investment in Ghana: A guidebook for business enterprises considering agricultural investment in Ghana

Reports & Research
Febrero, 2019

The Business Enterprise Guidebook aims to help companies and investots understand how to facilitate a responsible investment in Ghana. This Guidebook includes information on international standards and best practices, Ghana’s governance and community landscape, and how to manage an agricultural investment responsibly.

Strategic Directions 2019 - 2023

Reports & Research
Febrero, 2019
Sierra Leone

This is Belun’s 3rd five-year strategic directions. It builds on Belun’s work over the past 14 years. A great deal has been achieved but Belun’s purpose of preventing conflict and developing community capacity remain the same. However, how Belun works is equally important as what it does. Belun aims to be; - Evidence based: Belun has a unique approach to advocacy.

Land Acquisition and Use in Nigeria: Implications for Sustainable Food and Livelihood Security

Journal Articles & Books
Febrero, 2019

Land acquisition and use remain a critical issue of great policy relevance in developing countries such as Nigeria. This study therefore examined land acquisition and use in Nigeria within the context of food and livelihood security. The chapter used secondary data obtained from the World Bank website, National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and other sources. It was found that there are gender, location and income-group considerations in the allocation of land in Nigeria.

Preventing young farmers from leaving the farm: Investigating the effectiveness of the young farmer payment using a behavioural approach

Peer-reviewed publication
Febrero, 2019
Estados Unidos de América

The number of young farmers has decreased over recent decades in several developed countries such as the United States and European countries. A recent strategy adopted by the European Union to address the resulting age imbalance is the Young Farmer Payment which provides an additional payment on top of the average basic payment introduced in the last Common Agricultural Policy reform. The objective of this study is to determine, by means of a behavioural approach, how this payment influenced the incentives of young farmers to stay in the farm.

Female labor outcomes and large-scale agricultural land investments: Macro-micro evidencefrom Tanzania

Peer-reviewed publication
Febrero, 2019

This paper examined the extent to which Large-scale Agricultural Land Investments (LALIs) has delivered on its promises (e.g. increased productivity, job creation, and rural development, particularly for rural women). We conducted empirical analyses using the Living Standards Measurement Study-Integrated Surveys on Agriculture (LSMS-ISA) dataset (macro evidence), which was complemented with two case studies of LALIs in Kilombero district, Morogoro region, Tanzania (micro evidence). The findings from the study revealed that the LALIs have limited effect on agricultural wage.