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Land issues in Vietnam 2006–14: Markets, property rights, and investment

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 2015
Viet Nam

This paper uses five waves of the Vietnam Access to Resources Household Survey (VARHS) to analyse land issues in Viet Nam from a number of different angles. The VARHS provides panel data at plot as well as household level and I use this rich data set to present descriptive results on landlessness, land fragmentation, land market activities, and land property rights. I use plot level, fixed effects regressions to investigate the effects of land titles (Land Use Certificates) on household investment.

Property Rights and Consumption Volatility: Evidence from a Land Reform in Vietnam

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2015
Viet Nam

During Vietnam’s transition from a socialist to a market economy, household’s property rights over agricultural land were considerably strengthened through a land certification program. This resulted in active formal credit and land markets, either of which potentially affects consumption levels and volatility. This article evaluates the program impact with respect to consumption outcomes. In particular, it identifies the channel of impact through which improved property rights affect consumption volatility.

Study of Upland Customary Communal Tenure in Chin and Shan States: Outline of a Pilot Approach towards Cadastral Registration of Customary Communal Land Tenure in Myanmar

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2015

ABSTRACTED FROM EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The research on customary communal tenure in Chin and Shan States was carried out through two short site visits during 2013-14 by one international and three national researchers in the two states. The Land Core Group with LIFT funding was the sponsor of the study with support from its partners GRET in Chin State and CARE in Shan State. The study concentrated on two pilot villages in Northern Chin State, Haka township and two pilot villages in Northern Shan State, Lashio township. These villages agreed to take part in the study.

The Challenge of Democratic and Inclusive Land Policymaking in Myanmar: A Response to the Draft National Land Use Policy

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2015

ABSTRACTED FROM EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In October 2014 the Myanmar government unveiled a draft National Land Use Policy (NLUP) and announced it would take public comments for a limited time before finalizing the document. Once it is finalized, the new policy will determine the distribution, use and management of the country’s land and related natural resources like forests and rivers, for years to come.

REDD+ at the crossroads: Choices and tradeoffs for 2015 – 2020 in Laos

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 2015

To date, REDD+ projects in Laos have made relatively conservative choices on driver engagement, focusing on smallholder-related drivers like shifting cultivation and small-scale agricultural expansion, to the exclusion of drivers like agro-industrial concessions, mining concessions and energy and transportation infrastructure. While these choices have been based on calculated decisions made in the context of project areas, they have created a pair of challenges that REDD+ practitioners must currently confront. The first is lost opportunity.

Urbanization and Property Rights

Diciembre, 2015

Since the industrial revolution, the
economic development of Western Europe and North America was
characterized by continuous urbanization accompanied by a
gradual phasing-in of urban land property rights over time.
Today, however, the evidence in many fast urbanizing
low-income countries points towards a different trend of
“urbanization without formalization”, with potentially
adverse effects on long-term economic growth. This paper

Doing Business in Poland 2015

Diciembre, 2015

Poland’s economic growth over the last
25 years has been spectacular. In that period, Poland has
more than doubled its income per capita and became a
European growth champion. It was the only EU country to
avoid a recession in 2009. Its current GDP growth rate is
strong. Poland seems to be on the brink of its new ‘golden
age.’ Doing Business in Poland 2015 is the first subnational
report of the Doing Business series in Poland. It measures

Land Tenure Journal: December 2015 (duplicated)

Peer-reviewed publication
Noviembre, 2015

The Land Tenure Journal is a peer-reviewed, open-access flagship journal of the Climate, Energy and Tenure Division (NRC) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The Land Tenure Journal, launched in early 2010, is a successor to the Land Reform, Land Settlement and Cooperatives, which was published between 1964 and 2009. The Land Tenure Journal is a medium for the dissemination of quality information and diversified views on land and natural resources tenure. It aims to be a leading publication in the areas of land tenure, land policy and land reform.

Land tenure journal 2015/01 - Revue des questions foncières 2015/01

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre, 2015
Burkina Faso
Europa oriental
Países Bajos

This edition of the Land Tenure Journal features a selection of articles from Central and Eastern Europe to Francophone and Anglophone West Africa, through East Africa and back to Northern Europe. The focus of the topics spans land consolidation approaches in Europe, experiences of land colonization and an overview of tenure reforms in Burkina Faso, post-conflict land policy in Liberia, land reform in Malawi, and community commons in Norway.

Property Rights and Water Access: Evidence from Land Titling in Rural Peru

Peer-reviewed publication
Noviembre, 2015

Insecure land tenure and property rights are an impediment to the construction of water infrastructure in many developing countries. This paper explores whether alleviating this impediment through a land titling program in rural Peru is associated with improvements in water access. The economics literature on the links between property rights and investment decisions has amassed yet, due to the unique characteristics of water, it is not obvious how water service provision would respond to improvements in land tenure.

Reinvigorating resilience: violence against women, land rights, and the women's peace movement in Myanmar

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre, 2015

In Myanmar, movements for gender justice strive to foster personal and collective security, vibrant livelihoods, and political engagement during a period of rapid and uncertain transition. This article draws from the experience of the Gender Equality Network (GEN), a coalition of over 100 organisations in Myanmar. It examines three cases in which GEN sought to document existing forms of resilience and expand these mechanisms through national-level advocacy. The first describes current attempts to publicise, and eventually eliminate, violence against women (VAW).

Reivindicación por el Territorio en el Departamento del Cauca: Consejo Comunitario Comunidad Negra del Pílamo y Palenque

Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2015

Se trata del caso del Consejo Comunitario comunidad negra de Pilamo y Palenque, reconocido como territorio por ley, a partir de procesos de ocupación pacífica de ttierras, negociación de compra de las mismas por parte del Estado y la correspondiente adjudicación.