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Risks and Vulnerabilities along the Life Cycle

Julio, 2015

Myanmar is a country in transition with
great regional diversity. It is still a relatively young
country with the highest share of its population at active
working age. Myanmar’s more pressing needs are the
following: a) reducing the incidence of poverty and
improving human development outcomes, with a particular
emphasis on reaching the poor and vulnerable. Children from
poor families fare worse when it comes to nutrition, and

Expropriation Bill [B4-2015]: public hearings with Deputy Minister in attendance Day 2

Legislation & Policies
Julio, 2015

Agri SA supported orderly land reform – equitable land distribution is a prerequisite for rural stability and inclusive rural development. Agri-SA believed that expropriation should only be used as a last resort where negotiations fail. There needed to be a clear purpose for expropriation. Compensation should never be dependent on the state’s ability to pay. The land owner should always be afforded recourse to the courts to contest both the merits of the expropriation and the compensation amount.

Expropriation Bill [B4-2015]: public hearings with Deputy Minister in attendance

Legislation & Policies
Julio, 2015

The South African Institute of Race Relations said the Bill made it difficult for the compensation amount to be decided by a court, and the Bill did not allow the courts to examine and rule on the validity of the expropriation. The Bill tried to limit how often people could go to court about the amount of compensation. The IRR argued that 60 days was not enough time for the claimant to institute legal proceedings for the determination of the compensation, this should be extended to 180 days. Compensation should include damages for additional losses.

Georgia Public Expenditure Review

Julio, 2015

Georgia has an impressive growth record
but social vulnerabilities persist. It remains a challenge
to tackle social vulnerabilities within a sustained
macroeconomic framework. This programmatic public
expenditure review (PER) assesses the alignment of selected
fiscal programs with the government’s social objectives.
Building on the analysis and recommendations of the 2014
PER, this PER analyzes the impact of recent reforms

Effects of Income Inequality on Aggregate Output

Julio, 2015

This paper estimates the effect of
income inequality on real gross domestic product per capita
using a panel of 104 countries during the period 1970–2010.
The empirical analysis addresses endogeneity issues by using
instrumental variables estimation and controlling for
country and time fixed effects. The analysis finds that, on
average, income inequality has a significant negative effect
on transitional gross domestic product per capita growth and

Smallholders’ Land Ownership and Access in Sub-Saharan Africa

Julio, 2015

While scholars agree on the importance
of land rental markets for structural transformation in
rural areas, evidence on the extent and nature of their
operation, including potential obstacles to their improved
functioning, remains limited. This study uses
household-level data from six countries to start filling
this gap and derive substantive as well as methodological
lessons. The paper finds that rental markets transfer land

Gender Inclusion Strategies in PNPM

Julio, 2015

The Program Nasional Pemberdayaan
Masyarakat (PNPM) or National Community Empowerment Program
is the world’s largest program of its kind with long term
goals to reduce poverty by making development planning more
inclusive, accountable, and reflective of local needs. PNPM
currently covers about 70,000 rural and urban communities
across Indonesia. PNPM works by giving communities block
grants to spend on projects developed through a

Handshake, No. 5 (April 2012)

Julio, 2015

This issue includes the following
headings: seeds and soil: smallholder agriculture;
innovation: pairing commercial buyers with rural producers;
grain storage: a ready role for public-private partnerships
(PPPs); agricultural clusters: powering Africas agricultural
potential; and interviews: AgDevCo, bill and Melinda gates
foundation, earth policy institute.

An Ecological and Historical Perspective on Agricultural Development in Southeast Asia

Julio, 2015
South-Eastern Asia

According to Myint's "vent-for-surplus"
theory, development of the economies of Indonesia, the
Philippines, and Thailand from the nineteenth century on
depended on the natural advantage of large tracts of unused
"empty land" with low population density and abundant natural
resources of the type typically found in Southeast Asia and
Africa at the outset of Western colonization. When these
economies were integrated into international trade, hitherto

“Bring Back the Land”—A Call to Refocus on the Spatial Dimension of Zimbabwe’s Land Reform

Peer-reviewed publication
Junio, 2015

In this article, we argue that research on land reform in the nation of Zimbabwe has overlooked possibilities of integrating geospatial methods into analyses and, at the same time, geographers have not adequately developed techniques for this application. Scholars have generally been captured within the debate focused on the success or failure of the Zimbabwean land reform program, and have neglected to analyze what has occurred where during the process of “fast-track land reform”.

Development of land ownership relations in the agrarian sphere of the economy

Journal Articles & Books
Junio, 2015

In a course of the research there was studied the historical path of the emergence of private property in the world and in what is now Belarus. The evolution of concepts of private property during the XIX - XX centuries was analyzed. Based on the history of private ownership of land, the provisions of Roman law, the need to raise interest of peasants in the effective management, it was shown a possible in the future way of the transfer of agricultural land to private ownership of peasants. The foregoing provisions are theoretical justification for these proposals.

"El hombre a todo se amolda": territorio y trayectorias de incorporación subordinada de indígenas en La Pampa. El caso de José Gregorio Yankamil. 1900-1980

Journal Articles & Books
Junio, 2015

Las campañas transcurridas entre 1879 y 1885 terminaron con la existencia autónoma de los pueblos indígenas de pampa y nord-patagonia y provocaron su desarticulación social. Sin embargo, desde fines del siglo XIX algunos grupos pudieron reagruparse en torno a determinados líderes y obtuvieron asignaciones oficiales de tierras para asentarse. Este artículo indaga sobre las modalidades de incorporación de las poblaciones indígenas al estado-nación, y analiza el proceso mediante el cual una familia indígena -los Yankamil residentes del ?lote 21?