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The Wounds of War

Reports & Research
Marzo, 2005

Battered Burma’s unanswered question: when will the fighting end?...

"The horrors of war are all too visible on Myo Myint’s scarred body. The former Burma Army trooper has only one arm and one leg. The fingers of one hand are just stumps, he’s almost blind in one eye and pieces of landmine shrapnel still lodge in his body.

Myo Myint: Crippled and disillusioned by war

Myo Myint is one of countless thousands of men and women maimed for life in Burma’s ongoing civil war, which has been raging for more than half a century—one of Asia’s longest unsolved conflicts...

The curse of gold

Diciembre, 2004
República Democrática del Congo
África subsahariana

This report documents human rights abuses linked to efforts to control two key gold mining areas, Mongbwalu (Ituri District) and Durba (Haut Uélé District) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).Findings of the report include:competition to control the gold mines and trading routes has spurred the bloody conflict that has gripped this area since the start of the Congolese war in 1998 and continues to the presentafter 2003 two armed groups, one backed by Uganda and the other by Rwanda, fought for the control of gold-mining areas and trade routeseach group won a gold-rich area but battles

Extracting transparency: the need for an International Financial Reporting Standard for the Extractive Industries

Diciembre, 2004

In the light of an emerging International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) for the extractive industries - which could give a significant boost to global efforts to better account for revenues from the extractive industries - this report argues that such standards should require upstream extractive industry operators to disclose revenue payments on a country-by-country basis.Country-by-country reporting, this report argues, are crucial in achieving greater transparency, and will allow for better informed decisions about companies engaged in the extractive sector.

Border landmines have far reaching effects

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2004

Dhaka, Dec 14: "The demarcation of border areas, under the joint-border forces of Burma and Bangladesh, have been suspended since 1998, due to the presence of landmines in those areas.

The absence of joint-border forces of the two countries has increased the occurrences of cross border arms smuggling, drug and human trafficking, and cross border robberies, said a report in a weekend journal of Bangladesh.

The demarcation of the border area under the joint forces of the two countries began in 1984, but ended after only 14 years...

Landmine chapter of the Burma Human Rights Yearbook 2003-2004

Reports & Research
Octubre, 2004

...The atrocities related to landmines in Burma are not limited to the injury and death of non-military personnel but also include their use to violate Article 13 of the UN Declaration of Human rights, that of an individual’s freedom of movement both internally and internationally. In order to restrict the movement of supplies and information to insurgent groups, well-established routes to and from villages have been mined. Villages themselves have also been mined in attempts to prevent the return of both forcibly relocated communities as well as, in some areas, refugees.

Landmine Monitor Report 2004: Burma (Myanmar)

Reports & Research
Septiembre, 2004

Key developments since May 2003: Myanmar"atrocity demining,"Halt Mine Use in Burma."... * Mine Ban Policy
* Use;
* Production, Transfer, Stockpiling;
* Non-State Actors Use;
* NSA-Production, Transfer, Stockpiling;
* Landmine Problem;
* Mine Clearance and Mine Risk Education;
* Landmine Casualties68;
* Survivor Assistance90;
* Disability Policy and Practice.

Land Update Newsletter Volume 3 Number 3

Reports & Research
Septiembre, 2004

Focuses on the need for the National Land Policy to address natural resources, especially water, forest and wildlife management, fishing and mining. The Land Policy and new mining policy and legislation framework must guarantee and promote community rights. Argues the need for community participation for sustainable forest management.

Rush and ruin: the devastating mineral trade in Southern Katanga

Diciembre, 2003
República Democrática del Congo
África subsahariana

This report explores how the illicit trade in cobalt and copper in Katanga (south-eastern Democratic Republic of Congo) is contributing to the destruction of the country’s economy, the environment as well as the livelihoods of thousands of Congolese people.As the report demonstrates, the volume of the illegal mineral trade is immense. In March 2004 the Central Bank of Congo reported the DRC produced 783 tonnes of cobalt metal.

Corporate Social Responsibility in mining in Southern Africa: fair accountability or just greenwash?

Diciembre, 2003
África subsahariana

Based on case studies of mining in South Africa and Zambia, this article assesses CSR practices with accountability and fairness as key criteria.Main findings and conclusions of the report are:CSR is an increasingly prominent discourse also in southern Africa, particularly among mining companies due to mining’s potentially significant negative social and environmental impacts as well as inherent finiteness of the resource bodyaccountability - the emphasis on identifying and mitigating the impacts of core business practices - and fairness - the emphasis on helping the most vulnerable - are k