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Growing Community: Factors of Inclusion for Refugee and Immigrant Urban Gardeners

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2022

Urban agriculture is an important neighborhood revitalization strategy in the U.S. Rust Belt, where deindustrialization has left blighted and vacant land in the urban core. Immigrants and refugees represent a growing and important stakeholder group in urban agriculture, including in community gardens across the Rust Belt Midwest. Community gardens provide a host of social and economic benefits to urban landscapes, including increased access to culturally appropriate food and medicinal plants for refugee and immigrant growers.

The Contribution of Land Registration and Certification Program to Implement SDGs: The Case of the Amhara Region, Ethiopia

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2022

Land is the key asset in the agricultural sector and hence land policy is one of the key elements that determine whether SDGs are achieved in developing counties or not. In developing countries, land titling programs have been seen as a strategy for addressing SDGs. Even though the government of Ethiopia launched the rural land registration and certification program (LRCP) to secure the land rights of rural households in 1998, currently, there are limited empirical studies to examine the contribution of LRCP in addressing sustainable development goals (SDGs).

Does Farmland Tenancy Improve Household Asset Allocation? Evidence from Rural China

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2022

In an agricultural society, the farmland is a major form of national wealth and an increase in farmland holding is a sign of wealth accumulation; whereas in an industrial society, the question of whether a rise in farmland holding also increases the wealth accumulation of farmers with the possible choice of being migrant workers is worth theoretical discussion and empirically testing. This article explores the issue of whether farmland tenancy affects household asset allocation in a rapid industrialization period.

How Does the Heterogeneity of Family Structure Affect the Area of Land Transferred Out in the Context of Rural Revitalization?—Experience from CHIP 2013

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2022

Using the sample data of rural households in China’s income survey (CHIP 2013), this paper divides the family structure into elite and incomplete families and analyzes the impact of family structure’s heterogeneity on land transferred out. The Tobit and Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) models are applied to achieve the study’s objectives. The results show that the elite family has a significant positive impact on the paid land subcontract area, while the incomplete family is not significant.

Reform of Collective Land for Construction and Rental Housing and the Growth of Farmers’ Property Income: Evidence from China

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2022

Increasing farmers’ income has always been the core task of China’s land reform. In 2017, a nationwide pilot project on the use of collective construction land for the construction of rental housing was launched. This study employed the synthetic difference-in-differences method to examine whether the reform contributed to the growth of farmers’ property income.

The Global Land Rush and Agricultural Investment in Ghana: Existing Knowledge, Gaps, and Future Directions

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2022

The large-scale acquisition of land by investors intensified following the 2007/2008 triple crises of food, energy, and finance. In the years that followed, tens of millions of hectares of land were leased or sold for agricultural investment. This phenomenon has resulted in a growing body of scholarship that seeks to explain trends, institutional regimes, impacts, and the variety of actors involved, among other subtopics, such as impacts on food security and livelihoods.

Climate Shocks and Local Urban Conflicts: An Evolutionary Perspective on Risk Governance in Bhubaneswar

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2022

In this paper, we explore the complex entanglements between ongoing land conflicts and climate shocks, and their implications for risk governance paths and evolution. We focus on ways in which concepts of shock and conflict can be incorporated into social–ecological systems thinking and applied to risk governance practice in a southern cities context.

Land Transfer and Rural Household Consumption Diversity: Promoting or Inhibiting?

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2022

Land resources are important for millions of rural households in China. With the land tenure system reform and the trend of nonfarm employment, land transfer affects household income and consumption diversity significantly. Utilizing the data from the China Family Panel Studies (CFPS) 2018, this study investigated the effects of land transfer on Chinese rural households’ consumption diversity, measured by the Simpson index.

Testing and Enhancing the 8R Framework of Responsible Land Management with Documented Strategies and Effects of Land Reclamation Projects in Indonesia

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2022

Whereas most contemporary frameworks evaluating land management aspects focus on institutional settings at a national level, the 8R framework of responsible land management aims at evaluating individual land management projects or interventions. This 8R framework is, however, still under development and needs testing, validation and further detailing, such that specific operational characteristics and internal and external effects can be included in the evaluation.

Defining and Regulating Peri-Urban Areas through a Landscape Planning Approach: The Case Study of Turin Metropolitan Area (Italy)

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2022

Peri-urbanization is a global phenomenon strongly linked to socio-demographic and settlement dynamics. Although peri-urbanization is a topic widely debated in academic literature, especially in the field of urban and regional planning, there is no universal definition, and different types and interpretations of peri-urban areas can be found in the literature. Identifying physical limits and boundaries, as well as defining what is peri-urban and what is not, are important issues for planning these spaces at city and metropolitan levels but are not easy to solve due to their heterogeneity.

Bioeconomy—A Systematic Literature Review on Spatial Aspects and a Call for a New Research Agenda

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2022

Over the last 10 to 15 years, bioeconomy (BE) has evolved to a widely accepted alternative to the dominant use of finite raw materials around the globe. One of the essential prerequisites for the sustainable implementation of this future-oriented economic system is the consideration of spatial framework conditions. This review assesses whether spatial aspects are addressed in the scientific discourse on the bioeconomy. Between 2010 to 2021, 8812 articles were published dealing with the thematic field of bioeconomy.

Land Administration As-A-Service: Relevance, Applications, and Models

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2022

The ‘as-a-Service’ (aaS) concept of the IT sector is suggested to reduce upfront and ongoing costs, enable easier scaling, and make for simpler system upgrades. The concept is explored in relation to the domain of land administration, with a view to examining its relevance, application, and potential adaptation. Specifically, these aspects are analysed against the long-standing problem of land administration system maintenance. Two discrete literature reviews, a comparative analysis, and final modelling work constitute the research design.