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Conference Papers & Reports
Marzo 2018

On March 23rd, at the World Bank’s Land and Poverty Conference 2018 in Washington D.C., LANDac hosted the Master Class Land governance from the bottom up: including local communities in multi-stakeholder processes. With the Master Class, LANDac aimed to build on discussions held during the World…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Marzo 2018

IN’s latest resource is an introduction to the topic Land and Water Grabbing: A discussion of integrity implications and related risks, which discusses the integrity implications and risks of land and water grabbing. The essay examines the link between land and water grabbing, the people that…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Marzo 2018

Data and information on land are fundamental for enabling smallholder farmers to gain secure access and control over their land, which provides the basis for investing in their operations.
This briefing paper outlines the importance and benefits of increasing the availability and…

Reports & Research
Marzo 2018

GODAN Action supports data users, producers and intermediaries to effectively engage with open data and maximise its potential for impact in the agriculture and nutrition sectors. In particular, we work to strengthen capacity, to promote common standards and best practice, and to improve how we…

Reports & Research
Marzo 2018

Implementation of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) is designed to relieve pressure on tropical forests, however, many are concerned that it is a threat to the rights of forest communities. These potential risks need serious attention as earlier studies have…

Peer-reviewed publication
Marzo 2018

Arid regions in the Old World Dry Belt are assumed to be marginal regions, not only in ecological terms, but also economically and socially. Such views in geography, archaeology, and sociology are—despite the real limits of living in arid landscapes—partly influenced by derivates of Central…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Febrero 2018

There is a direct relationship between women’s right to land, economic empowerment, food se-curity and poverty reduction. A gender approach to land rights can enable shifts in gender power relations, and assure that all people, regardless of sex, benefit from, and are empowered by, development…

Manuals & Guidelines
Febrero 2018

This Handbook aims to explain how satellite Earth Observation (EO) are an essential tool in the development of the information and evidence required by many of the SDG Targets and Indicators.It has been prepared for national agencies, UN bodies and other SDG stakeholders working towards a…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Febrero 2018

This note is for private sector project implementers and financers (development finance institutions, international development agencies, commercial lenders and equity investors) seeking to invest responsibly in new greenfield sites in low and middle- income countries. It aims to provide…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Febrero 2018

Goal 5 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) "Achieve gender equality and empoer all women and girls" regonizes the fundamental role of women in achieving poverty reduction, food security and nutrition. Target 5.a aims to "undertake reforms to give women equal rights to…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Febrero 2018

Goal 5 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) "Achieve gender equality and empoer all women and girls" regonizes the fundamental role of women in achieving poverty reduction, food security and nutrition. Target 5.a aims to "undertake reforms to give women equal rights to…

Conference Papers & Reports
Febrero 2018

This guide provides information on how to engage in consultation following the FPIC principles with Indigenous Peoples and local communities before undertaking forestry management activities on the lands they legally or customarily own and/or use. It
• encourages and supports discussion…