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Enero 2024

Work package 4 maps rice areas using remote sensing, geographic information system (GIS), and crop modeling. This work builds on the Remote sensing-based Information and Insurance for Crops in Emerging economies (RIICE, http://www.riice.org/) co-developed by IRRI and implemented in South and Southeast Asian countries.

Enero 2024

The database contains information from interviews with government, research, social movement and international cooperation actors on the inclusion of gender and intersectionality in Colombian land, climate change and food policies
Methodology: Semi-structured interviews, discourse analysis (2024-01)

Enero 2024

Both the ecological and social dimensions of fisheries are being affected by climate change. As a result, policymakers, managers, scientists and fishing communities are seeking guidance on how to holistically build resilience to climate change.

Enero 2024

Solar-powered groundwater irrigation is expanding exponentially in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), creating opportunities and risks. In South Asia, more than 500,000 small stand-alone pumps have already been installed (see the figure). In Sub-Saharan Africa, solar pumps are gaining traction to expand food production and alleviate poverty.

Enero 2024

Confronting sustainable development challenges requires system transformation in Food, Land, and Water! Policy Pathways invites policymakers and sustainable development stakeholders to share their expertise on the policy solutions that can advance system transformation across the globe.

Enero 2024

Picture-Based Insurance is a new, innovative way of delivering affordable, comprehensive, and easy-to-understand crop insurance. By relying on visible crop characteristics derived from farmers’ own smartphone pictures, it aims to minimize the costs of loss verification and detect damage at the plot level, making crop insurance more attractive and accessible to small farmers.

Enero 2024

In Africa, farmer-herder conflicts can be partially attributed to linguistic differences that impede communication and conflict resolution. This tension can be further amplified by climatic shocks that increase incentives to fight for resources.

Enero 2024

Egypt’s quota of Nile River water has been constant since the 1950s, despite the continual agricultural land expansion. To facilitate land reclamation, Egypt has reallocated Nile water from downstream users, mostly smallholders in the ‘old lands’ of the Delta.

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