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Enero 2024

The cascading effects of biodiversity decline on human well-being present a pressing challenge for sustainable development. Conservation efforts often prioritize safeguarding specific species, habitats, or intact ecosystems but overlook biodiversity’s fundamental role in providing Nature’s Contributions to People (NCP) in human-modified landscapes.

Enero 2024

Lack of systematic tools and approaches for measuring climate change adaptation limits the measurement of progress toward the adaptation goals of the Paris Agreement. To this end, we piloted a new approach, the Biomass Climate Adaptation Index (Biomass CAI), for measuring agricultural adaptation progress in Ethiopia across multiple scales using satellite remote sensing data.

Enero 2024

Cassava breeding faces obstacles due to late flowering and poor flower and seed set. The acceleration of breeding processes and the reduction in each cycle’s duration hinge upon efficiently conducting crosses to yield ample progeny for subsequent cycles.

Enero 2024

In the UN many countries committed themselves to reduce FLW towards 20301. So-called national pathways are developed, written by governments, elaborating on how this will be established. In order to support and validate these efforts, FLW monitoring2 is required on national level. This is a complex task for LMIC, since it is difficult to get data from rural and remote areas.

Enero 2024

There is a paucity of scientific information regarding gender norms and social transformation in the Sub-Saharan region. This has contributed to the insufficient articulation of gender issues in the proposed agricultural programmes and visions, such as the African Union’s Agenda 2063 and the Malabo Declaration.

Enero 2024

Key messages
• Population growth, changing diets, and a rapidly growing feed sector are contributing to a sharp increase in global maize demand which is expected to double by 2050 relative to 2010.

Enero 2024

Umoja (noun):/ooh-moh-jah/Umoja, is the Swahili philosophy of unity. Its principles underscore the significance of cooperation and communal solidarity. Umoja has historically been associated with various aspects of African social and political life, accentuating the influence of communal synergy in traditional land tenure systems.

Enero 2024

Participatory approaches for crop variety testing can help breeding teams to incorporate traditional knowledge and consider site-specific sociocultural complexities. However, traditional participatory approaches have drawbacks and are seldom streamlined or scaled. Decentralized on-farm testing supported by citizen science addresses some of these challenges.

Enero 2024

A proliferation of irrigation infrastructure throughout the Mekong River has impacted the ability of certain fish species to migrate to fulfil their lifecycle. In response, fishways, a type of fish-friendly irrigation structure, have been developed to provide passage for these fish.

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