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These Regulations amend the principal Regulations by revoking the First Schedule and substituting therefor the Schedule attached to these Regulations. The First Schedule prescribes fees for registration.
Amends: Lands and Deeds Registry Regulations. (2006)


These Regulations amend the principal Regulations by revoking the First Schedule and substituting therefor the Schedule attached to these Regulations. The First Schedule prescribes fees for registration and related matters or services.
Amends: Lands and Deeds Registry Regulations. (2006)…


Le présent arrêté porte organisation et attributions du ministère des terres, de la réinstallation et de la protection de l'environnement.


Une Direction de Formation, de Documentation et de Communication est créé, et rajoutée aux organes composant le Ministère de l'Habitat, de l'Urbanisme, de l'Environnement et de l'Aménagement du Territoire prévu à l'article n°3
Modifie: Loi n°82/AN/004ème L portant…


Il est créé un compte unique spécial au budget intitulé : Fonds de l’Habitat et la gestion des établissements humains. Le Fonds de l’Habitat, domicilié à la Banque Centrale de Djibouti servira à financer: la viabilisation des parcelles; la construction des logements à caractère très social…


This Act establishes the National Parks and Nature Conservancy Commission as a body corporate under section 3. The Commission may, with the approval of the Minister, by Order published in the Official Gazette, designate any area as a National Park, a Strict Natural Reserve, a Special Reserve, or…


These Rules introduce various prohibitions regarding use of sloping land and introduce other measures regarding the prevention of soil erosion on such land. They shall apply to all land in Kenya except plots of not more than two acres used for residential purposes within a municipality, a former…


This Act provides for the establishment of the Agricultural Finance Corporation and regulates the granting of loans to farmersThe Act consists of 48 sections divided into 7 Parts: Preliminary (I); The Agricultural Finance Corporation (II); Loans (III); General provisions as to loans (IV); Powers…


These Regulations amend the principal Regulations by revoking the First Schedule and substituting therefore the Schedule attached to these Regulations. The First Schedule prescribes fees for registration and related matters or services.
Amends: Lands and Deeds Registry Regulations. (2006…


By this Act it is declared for the removal of doubt that the provisions of the Bills of Sale Acts, 1878-1882, of the United Kingdom, requiring the registration and re-registration of Bills of Sale under those Acts, are not in force and have not, since the commencement of the Lands and Deeds…


These Regulations prescribe forms for purposes of the Lands Acquisition Act. The Schedule includes: notice of intention to acquire property, notice to yield up possession, notice of intention to acquire property and notice to yield up possession, and application for entry in register recording…


An Act to provide for the establishment of the National Environment Council, the National Environment Management Authority, the National Environment Trust Fund, the Environment Restoration Fund, the National Environment Action Plan Committee, the Standards and Enforcement Review Committee and…