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This Act amends the Land Act with respect to a wide variety of matters including: Commissioner for Land Registration, organization and procedures of District Land Tribunals, annual nominal ground rent for tenancy, security of occupancy and protection of family (farm) land, restrictions on…


This Act makes provision with respect to prevention of discrimination based on race, origin, creed, gender, etc.The Act concerns, among other things, prevention of discrimination in regard to public premises, commodities, services and facilities, prevention of discrimination in regard to sale,…


La présente loi crée un Comité Local de Développement pour chaque District (ensemble plusieurs Communes). Ensuite, elle octroi à chaque district un Fonds Local de Développement au profit des Collectivités Territoriales Décentralisées de base.Le programme de développement local est conjointement…


Il est créé, en application de la déclaration 137 (VIII) de l'Union Africaine approuvant l'Initiative Grande Muraille Verte du Sahara, un Comité Interministériel de Pilotage de la composante nationale de ladite initiative.


This Act constitutes the Commission in accordance with the Constitution and provides for its structure, operations, administration, functions and powers. In addition to the functions set out in Article 234 of the Constitution, the Commission shall: (a) formulate policies necessary for the…


Cette ordonnance porte dispositions relatives aux différents registres fonciers: livre d'enregistrement, registre de certificats, registre des suites, registre à souches, copies de certificats et copies des suites.
Abrogé par: Arrêté du Premier Ministre nº 01/03 déterminant le modèle…


These Regulations specify the ground rents (in the First Schedule), which shall be payable by persons holding land specified in that Schedule. The fees set out in the Second Schedule shall be payable in respect of transactions in land specified in that Schedule.
Implements: Lands Act, 1995…


These Rules amend the Registration of Titles Act in the Second Schedule, which lists fees for deeds and services relating to titles in land.
Implements: Registration of Titles Act (Cap. 281). (2006)
Amends: Registration of Titles Act (Cap. 281). (2006)


These Rules amend the Government Lands (Approvals) Rules in relation to fees for the approval given by the Commissioner of Lands in respect of subdivisions of land and prescribe certain conditions for the subdivision of land for building purposes.
Implements: Government Lands Act (Cap. 280…


These Rules amend the Lands (Consents) (Fees) Rules in rule 2 which specifies fees to be charged for any consents applied for and given by the Commissioner of Lands.
Amends: Government Lands (Consents) (Fees) Rules (Cap. 280). (2012-12-31)


These Regulations amend the principal Regulations by modifying fees for an application for consent to a controlled transaction and an appeal to the Central Land Control Appeals Board.
Amends: Land Control Regulations (Cap. 302). (2012-12-23)


This Act amends the Landlord and Tenant Act: in section 3 subsection (2)(ab), by deleting the words “30 June 2012” and replacing them by the words “31 December 2017”; in section 34 subsection (2), by inserting, after the words “may provide”, the words “for the amendment of the Schedules and”;…