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This Act makes provision for the sub-division of land and establishes that no person shall sub-divide any land without the consent of the Natural Resources Board, except in the cases listed in article 7 (inter alia, in case of Crown land or any land registered in the name of the Government; any…


Section 2 empowers the Minister of Land Affairs to delegate any power conferred upon him or her by or under a law regarding land matters to a premier or member of the Executive Council of a Province or any officer contemplated in section 1 of the Local Government Transition Act, 1993. The power…


This Order makes provision for the establishment of a Land Taxation Board, appointed by the Minister for Financial and Economic Planning and elected among persons who are experienced in the agricultural and industrial development of Swaziland. The Board shall, after having heard any evidence or…


The competent local authority shall make, assess and levy a general rate each financial year upon all immovable property according to the provisions of Part I of the Schedule. Each rate shall be made, levied and assessed on immovable property on the basis of the valuation of the land and…


The Act establishes inter alia (a) the criteria to be taken into account in ascertaining the value of the property for the payment of transfer duty; (b) a list of costs and charges that do not form part of the valuation on which the duty is payable; (c) the deadline for the payment of the duty…


The Special Commissioner appointed to exercise the duties imposed by this Act, shall set apart portions of land affected by any land concession or land concessions for the sole and exclusive use and occupation by Swazis, and shall for such purpose order the survey and demarcation of land.…


No person other than a Swazi shall, without the written permission of the Ngwenyama, (a) use or occupy any portion of a Swazi area or allow any cattle or sheep to graze upon any Swazi area or burn grass, or (b) hunt any game. Any person who contravenes said provisions shall be guilty of an…


The Act provides for the establishment of the Natural Resources Board, whose functions shall: (a) except in respect of Swazi areas to exercise supervision over natural resources; (b) to promote the conservation and improvement of natural resources; (c) to advice the Minister of Agriculture on…


A Surveyor-General for Swaziland shall be appointed by the Minister for Works, Power and Communications, who shall: (a) supervise and control the survey and charting of land; (b) take charge of and preserve all records appertaining to surveys of land; (c) examine all general plans and diagrams…


For the purpose of implementing the Land Survey Act 1961, the Regulation establish in Part III, concerning field work, establishes, inter alia, the procedure, methods of measurement and the limit of allowable difference from the original survey. Part IV regards the placing of beacons, the…


The Act contains a list of certain areas to be proclaimed as Crown lands. The Proclamation of said areas as Crown lands shall not affect any concession, lease, servitude or other right existing in respect of the said areas at the date set out in the third column of the Schedule to this Act and…


The Regulations contain a model form of the grant to be issued in respect of land sold under the authority of the Crown Land Disposal Act 1911.
Implements: Crown Lands Disposal Act 1911 (No. 13 of 1911). (1911-03-11)