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Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2012

Agricultural productivity in Zimbabwe, like in many other countries in SSA has been declining over the years despite the numerous advancements made in agricultural technology development. Yield levels usually averaging below 1t ha-1 have resulted in persistent cereal deficits despite the large…

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2012

本版即第十版《世界森林状况》详述了一个 重要事实,即森林、林业和林产品对可持 续发展至关重要。《世界森林状况》每两年出 版一次。 保护森林的最好方法就是可持续地经营管 理森林并从其产品和生态系统服务中获益。林 业行业现在面临的一个挑战就是如何宣传和推 广这一理念。如果能贯彻实施可持续森林管理 的原则并加大林产品及生态系统服务的比重, 全球经济会更加绿色环保。 同前九版一样,《2012 年世界森林状况》 也旨在为支持林业相关政策和研究提供参考资 料。此外,我期望书中提出的一些观点能引起 人们的关注和讨论,以推动创新经济增长方式,…

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2012

Bнастоящем десятом по счету обзоре Состояние лесов мира подробно излагается непреложная истина: леса, лесное хозяйство и лесная продукция играют важнейшую роль в процессе устойчивого развития. Обзор Состояние лесов мира публикуется каждые два года. На протяжении всей истории…

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2012

ويضع نُهجاً جديدة التقدم » العالم الآن إلى أن يغير أفكاره عن للنجاح الاقتصادي في المستقبل. والغرض من تقرير حالة الغابات في العالم 2012 ، مثل التقارير التسعة التي سبقته، هو أن يكون بمثابة مرجع لدعم السياسات والبحوث المتعلقة بالغابات. وعلاوة على ذلك، فإنني آمل أن تساعد بعض الأفكار التي…

Reports & Research
Octubre 2012

The Emergency Irrigation Rehabilitation Project (EIRP)-UTF/AFG/035/AFG started in April 2004 and concluded in December 2011. The project was funded by the World Bank (WB) through one credit and three grants provided to the Government of Afghanistan (GoA) for implementation through the Ministry…

Journal Articles & Books
Junio 2012

The Land Tenure Journal is a peer-reviewed, open-access flagship journal of the Climate, Energy and Tenure Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The Land Tenure Journal, launched in early 2010, is a successor to the Land Reform, Land Settlement and Co-…

Junio 2012

The present Law lays down provisions relating to land use planning in Bavaria. In particular, the aim of the Law is to develop and secure the whole territory of Bavaria with a view to town and country planning thus creating and conserving healthy living and working conditions. The text consists…

Journal Articles & Books
Enero 2012

In the scope of the European Union water initiative for developing countries, the research programme RIVERTWIN (A Regional Model for Integrated Water Management in Twinned River Basins) was initiated for three river basins, Neckar in Germany, Ouémé in Benin Republic and Chirchik in Uzbekistan.…

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre 2011

The paper presents a case study in which land use strategies to mitigate Climate Change effects are developed for a model in Saxony, Germany. In this region, the degree of freedom to respond to Climate Change with land-cover changes is very small. Based on a participatory process, an approach…

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre 2011

The impact of land use on carbon pools were investigated in three different land use types (forestland. arable land and grassland) in Katinger Watt area in Northern Germany. The area was once a sea-floor (tidal Hat) that was dyked in 1973. Relevant conditions for carbon turnover in the studied…

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre 2011

The German Remote Sensing Data Center operates the Biosphere Energy Transfer Hydrology Model, a process model that estimates the net primary productivity of agricultural areas. The model is driven by remote sensing data and meteorological data. Remotely sensed datasets including a time series of…

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre 2011

The incidence of natural disturbance in forests is increasing globally as a consequence of global warming. The concomitant large-scale transformation of landscapes can have profound social impacts and trigger political conflict that hampers resource management. This paper explores the link…