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Reports & Research
Diciembre 2021

Depuis plus de cinq ans, le projet WOLTS (Women’s Land Tenure Security) étudie le croisement entre les relations de genre et de droits fonciers dans les communautés pastorales affectées par l’exploitation minière en Mongolie et en Tanzanie. Ce projet a pour but de développer une méthodologie de…

Reports & Research
Diciembre 2021

Эмэгтэйчүүдийн Газар Эдэлбэрийн Эрхийн Баталгаат Байдал төсөл нь (ЭГЭЭББ) сүүлийн таван жилийн хугацаанд Монгол, Танзани улсуудад уул уурхайн нөлөөнд өртсөн нүүдэлч малчин иргэдийн  жендер болон газрын харилцааны хамаарлыг  судаллаа.  Тус ажлын үндсэн зорилго нь орон нутгийн иргэдтэй  урт…

Reports & Research
Diciembre 2021

Kwa zaidi ya miaka mitano, Mradi wa Usalama wa Umiliki wa Ardhi kwa Wanawake (WOLTS) umekuwa ukichunguza uhusiano wa kijinsia na ardhi katika jamii za wafugaji zilizoathiriwa na uchimbaji wa madini Mongolia na Tanzania. Lengo limekuwa ni kutengeneza mbinu ya ushiriki wa jamii kwa muda mrefu na…

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre 2021

Most countries have considered the adoption of the international standard ISO 19152—Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) mostly for the improvement of their cadastral systems in the context of developing the 3D cadastre. However, the adoption of LADM is yet to be considered in Mongolia. The…

Reports & Research
Junio 2021

For more than five years, the Women’s Land Tenure Security (WOLTS) Project has been investigating the intersection of gender and land relations in mining-affected pastoralist communities in Mongolia and Tanzania. The aim has been to develop a methodology for long-term community engagement and…

Reports & Research
Junio 2021

Depuis plus de cinq ans, le projet WOLTS (Women’s Land Tenure Security) étudie le croisement entre les relations de genre et de droits fonciers dans les communautés pastorales affectées par l’exploitation minière en Mongolie et en Tanzanie. Ce projet a pour but de développer une méthodologie de…

Journal Articles & Books
Junio 2021

As global temperatures continue to increase and human activities continue to expand, many countries and regions are witnessing the consequences of global climate change. Mongolia, a nomadic and picturesque landlocked country, has battled with ongoing desertification, recurring droughts, and…

Reports & Research
Mayo 2021

For more than five years, the Women’s Land Tenure Security (WOLTS) Project has been investigating the intersection of gender and land relations in mining-affected pastoralist communities in Mongolia and Tanzania. The aim has been to develop a methodology for long-term community engagement and…

Conference Papers & Reports
Abril 2021

As part of the efforts to find sustainable solutions to complex land tenure issues, multi-stakeholder platforms (MSPs) create an inclusive forum where actors can discuss problems and propose solutions to improve governance of tenure and provide better access to natural resources. This…

Conference Papers & Reports
Abril 2021

Dans le cadre de la recherche de réponses durables aux questions foncières complexes, les plateformes multi-acteurs offrent un lieu de débat ouvert qui permet aux acteurs d’aborder les problèmes et de proposer des solutions pour améliorer la gouvernance foncière et l’accès aux ressources…

Peer-reviewed publication
Febrero 2021

Long-term studies on plant response mechanisms to different irrigation regimes will provide a better understanding of the survivability and establishment of plant communities in a desert environment. Thus, across 10 years, we regularly investigated the effects of the rainfall (control), rainfall…

Peer-reviewed publication
Febrero 2021

Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is a key tool for both environmental and land management. It identifies potential adverse and unintended consequences of the projects on land use and the environment and derives possible mitigation measures to address these impacts. Calculating the volume…