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Europa septentrional

Båtsfjord council has adopted new regulations for planning, sharing, construction and sectioning issues in adherence to Planning and Building Act. Regulations may be obtained in its entirety by contacting Båtsfjord municipality, Hindberggata 18, 9990 Båtsfjord, tel: 78 98 53 00 or on the council website www.batsfjord.kommune.no.

Europa septentrional

The scope of this Decree is to clarify the possible impact that certain measures may have on the environment. Planning of measures listed in Schedule I shall always be accompanied by an environment impact assessment. The Schedule specifies also the responsible authority and the legislation on which the assessment is based.

Europa septentrional

This Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture: (1) delegates powers to municipalities in specified matters of the Acts mentioned in the title (Chapter I); (2) delegates powers to county agricultural councils and county governors, in specified matters of the Acts mentioned in the title (Chapter II); (3) provides for the right and procedures of appeal within the administration (Chapter III);provides

Europa septentrional

The purpose of this Regulation is to clarify the national land policy in the 100-meter coastal belt. The aim is to safeguard public interests and prevent unfortunate construction along lakes, in accordance to the Planning and Building Act. The Regulation ensures that a stronger geographic differentiation is suggested for the key areas where pressure on land is high.

Europa septentrional

This Act provides for the management of land and natural resources in the county of Finnmark. This shall be done in a balanced and ecologically sustainable manner for the benefit of the residents of the county and particularly as so as to enhance Sami culture, reindeer husbandry, use of non-cultivated areas, commercial activity and social life.

Europa septentrional

This Decree allows the County Agricultural Councils to delegate matters relating to redistribution of land up to a certain size and the preparation of land regulation plans pursuant to sections of the Land Reform Act to the County Agricultural Chief or the Forestry Chief and allows the Agricultural Boards to delegate those matters to agronomists or forester of a certain rank.

Europa septentrional

"Forest for domestic use" is a forest owned in common property and which serves to satisfy the needs of supply of wood for domestic purposes of the owners. "Use for domestic purposes" seems to include use of timber for carpentry and construction of houses. Such forest shall be managed by a board of members in accordance with rules laid down by the present Act.

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