| Land Portal
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Publicación revisada por pares
Febrero 2021
Estados Unidos de América

The influence of landscape on nutrient dynamics in rivers constitutes an important research issue because of its significance with regard to water and land management. In the current study spatial and temporal variability of N-NO3 and P-PO4 concentrations and their landscape dependence was documented in the Świder River catchment in central Poland.

Publicación revisada por pares
Enero 2021
Estados Unidos de América

Regional land use transitions driven by the adaptive reconciliation of existing land use conflict with socioeconomic development can lead to positive economic effects as well as new land use conflict. Although research on land use transition has progressed considerably, limited studies have explored the spatiotemporal dynamic pattern of land use conflict during the land use transition period.

Publicación revisada por pares
Enero 2021
Estados Unidos de América

Land use and land cover (LULC) change influences many issues such as the climate, ecological environment, and economy. In this study, the LULC transitions in the Yellow River Basin (YRB) were analyzed based on the GlobeLand30 land use data in 2000, 2010, and 2020.

Publicación revisada por pares
Enero 2021
Hong Kong

Estimates of the area or percent area of the land cover classes within a study region are often based on the reference land cover class labels assigned by analysts interpreting satellite imagery and other ancillary spatial data. Different analysts interpreting the same spatial unit will not always agree on the land cover class label that should be assigned.

Publicación revisada por pares
Enero 2021
Estados Unidos de América

Land use transition is essentially one of the manifestations of land use/cover change (LUCC). Although a large number of studies have focused on land use transitions on the macro scale, there are few studies on the micro scale.

Publicación revisada por pares
Enero 2021
Estados Unidos de América

In many countries of the world, rural areas are characterized by a defective spatial structure of agricultural land. The most frequent defects are large fragmentation and distribution of farmland. The fragmentation of land has been an issue widely described by many authors throughout the world.

Publicación revisada por pares
Enero 2021
Estados Unidos de América

The increasing pressure from land cover change exacerbates the negative effect on ecosystems and ecosystem services (ES). One approach to inform holistic and sustainable management is to quantify the ES provided by the landscape.

Publicación revisada por pares
Enero 2021
Estados Unidos de América

Cadastral parcels valuation is a very important aspect when defining the priorities for the selection of newly formed parcels in the reallocation processes. Land reallocation involves a new redistribution of land parcels in the project implementation area.

Publicación revisada por pares
Enero 2021

The headwaters of the Blue Nile River in Ethiopia contain fragile mountain ecosystems and are highly susceptible to land degradation that impacts water quality and flow dynamics in a major transboundary river system.

Publicación revisada por pares
Enero 2021
Estados Unidos de América

Land Use/Cover changes are crucial for the use of sustainable resources and the delivery of ecosystem services. They play an important contribution in the climate change mitigation due to their ability to emit and remove greenhouse gas from the atmosphere.

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